Sleeping Beauty~Ch.5

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I ran downstairs holding an envelope that said my name on it in a very formal writing. I had to hold in my excitement before I let it go without my grandma seeing it. I saw her outside in the rocking chair my father used to sit when he read me stories, but now its outside. I ran out the front porch and had a big grin plastered on my face.

"Rachel? You almost gave me a heart attack."  she smiled warmly and motioned me to the bench beside her, but I couldn't sit. This was to important. 

"I got the morning." I handed her the envelope.Her eyes popped in amazement.

"It's going to be a masqueraded? This is going to be FUN!" She laughed and I joined her.

"I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Your going to look beautiful."

"Thank you. I'm just worried on what mask am going to wear."

"Not a problem, I know a friend who does that kind of thing. She's really good at it too."


"Well it's Mrs. Emma."

"Emma? Really, I've never thought....."

"Yes, she's a women with many talents." I was going to say duel, boring, old. But if I say that my grandma would be disappointed in me. I smiled widely at her, "I'll go right now."

"Good, tell her hello for me."

"I will." I waved goodbye to my granny and decided to walk towards Emma's house. It wasn't a long walk either.



*Knock* Knock*

I waited by the door side leaning on it while a middle age women came out with a smile on her face.

"Rachel! How good to see you."

"Same Mrs.Emma."

"I've told you million's of time to call me Emma."

"Okay...Emma." she made way for me to enter her house, "SO...What brings you here?" She said while heading into her living room which was neat and smelled of peppermint.

"Well, my grandma told me that you made in masquerade masks."

"Aw, I haven't made one of those when I was your age."


"Yes, but I'll see what I can do."

"Emma.I can't tell you how much this means to me."

"By all means, don't. How will you like it?"

"That's not sure?"

"Well what's the color of your dress?"

"Light blue, but not that light."

"Baby blue?"

"Kind of?"

"Okay I'll see what I can work with."

After a few conversation, she measured the length of my head my cheek bones and the shapes of my eyes. She told me if I wanted to cover my face or just half, I said half of course. It was almost midnight and I need to get home, I hardly even knew it was night when I left.

"Thanks Emma, I really appreciate this."

"No problem, tell your Grandma Elena..Hey for me." I shook me head and walked off to my house. As I walked around a corner I bumped into Tyson?

"Am sorry....Rachel?"

"Its okay, yes?" He lifted me up so we were face to face,

"What are you doing here at this hour?"

"I just got done visiting Mrs. Emma."

"Oh, she seems nice." Then after that it kind of felt unconformable. He stared at his shoes half the time, and I would just stare at a window that had a crack on it. I would trace it with my eyes when Tyson broke in the awkwardness.

"You should be getting back home...are you going to the ball?"he closed his eyes, and I thought he said stupid under his breath.

"I should shouldn't I? And yes I am." his eyes sparkled with delight.

"Then I'll see you friends." I felt this weird thing on the top of my throat that wanted to say...."No! not as friends!", but I stayed silent..just staring in tell he said goodbye and walked off. I watched as he walked around the corner, I let out a heavy sigh and walked off to my home.


There stood my grandma and my grandpa with his arm around her. They look so much in love like they did fifty years ago. I can see that kind of love in there eyes every time they see each other. There eye's sparkle ten times the usual. I smiled at them, while there looking at the stars. Then for sec I thought that I looked like an idiot for looking at them for so long. I made my way to the back door, and went upstairs.I logged in knowing nobody would be on, but I liked to check my messages once an a while.

Rachel_Smile@: Is logged on

I scrolled down on my laptop and found one message from John, and two from Sara. I clicked on John to get it over with, 


Look am sorry that I couldn't really say anything else when we were in school, I felt so bad when you ran away. I love you, you know that. I just froze at that moment and I said the most stupidest thing in the world, that I knew you wanted more. I was foolish to ''do it' with Sara. I was just caught on the moment. You can hate me, throw daggers at me, but it won't change how I feel about you. You were the only girl that I really loved, but I guess I blew it up? I just wanted to say that Am sorry, and I hope you forgive me, and If you don't then I'll always be here for you."

_Love always. John

I closed the message and responded,


I don't need an apologies, I just felt disappointed in the way you thought of it. Am sorry too I guess? Yes we can still be friends. And I hope you and Sara work on just fine.

_Friends only, Rachel

I didn't really have anything to say, so I put it short. I clicked on Sara's messages,



_Your friend Sara

What was that about? I clicked the other message on the left,


I found out today that Tyson got a date for the Ball. Am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry Rachel. I do know the girl first name, its Tracie William.

I deleted it, I didn't want to read on. I felt like a fool when I talked to him. I turned off my laptop and climbed into bed. While after I turned off the lights. My eyes were open, and I couldn't keep thinking on how stupid I acted when I saw him. Tracie? Who the hell is she? These question's kept flowing threw my head. Face the facts, I'm going to find out tomorrow. And I'll show going to be the hottest girl there, and he won't want to keep his eyes away from me.


Okay, I know I said that I would make this chapter the Masquerade, but I decide against it. The Next chapter is going to be it. Its because I decided that this chapter will be about her knowing about the event of the Ball. So hold on you seat belt...because the next chapter is going to blow your mind. lol (not literally)

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