Sleeping Beauty ~Ch.17

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Chapter Seventeen:

I was mad, that's all I can say. I was mad, mad, mad! I tell you! Seeing the full moon glistened into the darkest night. Tyson walked in beside me,

"Is everything okay?" he asked, taking me in as I examined the stars above me,

"UGH! Why does life have to be so damn difficult?" pressing my lips together. Not really wanting to discuss the matter to anyone let alone to Tyson.

"Life can seem like that, but you just have to keep going. No matter what  pushes you down." he smiled at me as he squeezed my hands. Sometimes I wonder why I even hated him in the first place. Returning the smile back we both jumped at the same time when we heard a loud roar come from behind us. The Portal or what I assumed it was. It looked the same like it did the last time I saw it. Particle's were flying around sucked inside. I guess Tyson and I saw the same thing because there stood Hollow Church right before us. All we had to do was reach inside and It would suck us in. Forgetting this retread place once in for all. I could see my grandma again and grandpa. They must be worried sick about me being gone. Tyson dropped my hand reaching ever so slightly toward the portal, 

"Rachel, do you know what this means?" he grinned so big it looked like if I was handing him one million dollars.

"We can go home." I answered, but is that really what I wanted? Of course I did. Right?

"We Can Go HOME!" Tyson said, basically repeating what I just said. He reached for my hand, but I stopped it before he could touch me.

"What's wrong? This is our time to go home." he looked concern, but ready to leave me if it was worth it.

"Wait, I got to do something first."

He ran his fingers threw his short length hair, "Fine." he responded,

I ran quickly out of my room entering Samuel's. Thankfully he wasn't here just yet. I looked around frantically looking for a piece of paper and a ink pen. Finding one I quickly wrote all I wanted to say down on that piece of paper. I signed my name in my best signature. I pressed the letter to my chest, hoping for the best that he wouldn't go burn it. I gave the letter a kiss and ran out of there going back to Tyson. Grabbing a hold of his hand, I was going home. I was finally going home?


{2 years later}

Samuel PROV:

It's been two years now and I can't stop thinking about her. About her letter. Was I really that shallow? Alex pulled on my arm urging me to go play with her, but I told her to hold on for a few minutes.

"Sammy! You said you would play with me!" she crossed her arms together,

"Just give me a few minutes okay?" she jumped up and down,

"Okay, but you better not be making me wait for another two minutes again." She ran toward the castle as I stayed behind in the Garden. Elizabeth entered carrying in her newly baby boy. She was smiling. She sure has changed these couple of years. She invited me to sit down,

"Still thinking about her?" She asked as she rocked the baby back and forth. I remember when I did the same thing to Alex when she was a baby. How I wish I could go back to those days, but then again that was the same time as Rachel left.

"Yeah." Sighing as I picked up a lily.

"You know I kind of regret being so mean to her. She was really nice, pretty, but nice."  I smiled at her, but where was this 2 years ago?

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