Chapter. 9 Ana And Alice.

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As sona and her team walked, y/n was beside sona.

Sona:"look y/n, your really a great help today, so im really thank full, i also forgot to tell you, you forgot about our meeting didn't you?" "

Y/n:"yeah sorry bout that, and also your welcome sona, and also you told me you'll introduce your peerage to me right?"

Sona:"oh! Yeah right! Everyone please introduce yourselves."

Tsubaki:"hello y/n, im Tsubaki shinra sona's queen piece."

Saji:"saji genshirou's the name, and pawn is my piece."

Momo:"im momo hanakai, bishop piece"

Reya:"im reya kusaka, also bishop piece."

Tomoe:"Tomoe meguri, honorable knight piece of ms. Sona"

Tsubasa:"hehehe~ I'm tsubasa yura, rook piece."

Y/n:"nice to meet you everyone!"

Everyone:"nice to meet you y/n!"

As soon as introducing was done, sona excused herself and her peerage they needed to leave,and so they did.

So y/n went home, it was lunch time by the time y/n reached the house. When he did he saw ana asleep on the couch with the house looking vey tidy.
Y/n then excused himself in and ana woke up.

Ana:"oh, hey y/n~"

Y/n went to her side.

Y/n:" still sleepy? "

Ana just nodded.

Y/n:"go back to sleep then, I'll prepare lunch."


Y/n then went to the kitchen and prepared food, four minutes later he was still cooking food thats when alice came in to the kitchen.

Alice:"what'cha cooking?"

Y/n:"lunch food...."

Alice:"not planning to tell me huh?"

Y/n:"its steak and im making creamy salad for a side dish."

Alice:"oh that's good then, are you gonna eat steak?"

Y/n:"I'll try...."

Alice:"ok then"

Y/n:"also why is your mom looking sleepy?"

Alice:"oh we watched anime all night long."

Y/n:"oh I see...."

Alice:"yep, anyways I'll help you ok?"


As the two cooked food ana woke up and saw alice and y/n having fun cooking food.

Ana:"I've never seen alice this happy, thank you y/n...."

Alice then notice ana awake and said.

Alice:"ma, lunch is almost ready ok!"

Ana:"ok! Thanks you two!"

Y/n and alice:"welcome!"


As the nighttime came y/n was sitting outside the house, and ana saw him so she approached him.

Ana:"nice night huh?"

Y/n:"yes it is, quite beautiful really..."

Ana then went and sat beside y/n as they stared into the night sky.

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