Chapter 1

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(Tys pov)

I shoot up in my bed. "ADAM!!!" I look around and see the familiar dark blue walls with iron bars as windows. The two iron doors that are guarded by guards outside for i wont escape. There is a lapis desk at the left side of the room beside the bookshelf that is pushed against the wall with the door. The room is a medium sized room. There is a bathroom on the right side that has a dark oakwood door and a closet close beside it. There are other little things here and there like sculptures and paintings that I literally draw on when Im locked in here. Like hmm ooo like theres medium sized squid sculpture thats holding an iron sword lets just say it looks like a masterpiece in my eyes, but not in Brandons. He changed all markers and crayons anything that was permanent into erasables. He's a partypooper. I hear a knock on the door and grab a pillow plus a big book of a bookshelf, a devious smile making its way across my face. I stick the book in the case and my smile grows "Come in" The door opens and in walks a guard but before he can say anything I throw the pillow and RUN. I laugh when I see the dazed look on his face.

I jump over him and run out the door. "SEE YA LATER FUCKFACE" I scream and dodge a tenticle. I run down the halls with i dont know how many guards, I stopped counting at twenty. I see doors and different halls coming my way. A smirk plays on my face and I start to laugh lightly at my devious plan. I take a sharp turn down a hall and they run into the wall that i was heading. I laugh my ass off when they all crumble into each other making a pile of blue and black. "AHAHAH DUMBASS THERE WAS A WALL AHAHHA" I turn around and run into a wall? What? I look up and it wasnt a wall. "Why hello my queen and where were you going this fine evening. I frown and glare at him. "I was going to go take a walk on the beach for a bit" This time he frowns.

"You can but you have to where your crown, your dress, and your tracker" I sigh and nod. This is the only time I can go actually. Plus I have to where that stupid shit, but its the only time I can actually see the sun and the earth so ill take it. I cant go away from the beach either and I have to be in by sun down or squids will come and bring me back. The crown helps me breath under water, same with the dress. The tracker is what its called a tracker. They put it on I cant take it off. "Now I'll put the tracker on you when your ready" I roll my eyes and tunr around makingmy way back to my room.

This is mostly what I do everyday. Sometimes he'll let me stay after sunset and I can watch the sunset. Only if I do what he wants like kiss him or something like that. He never made me do something as bad as sex so yea im happy about that. I mostly wake up draw on a painting, breakfast, play a prank on a squid or squids, draw on a statue, lunch, make the guards chase me, and finally the walk. Thats everything really, its fun but it get boring after a while and kinda lonely honestly. I sigh and open my door, sliding down it. "I miss you Adam" I mumble and look down at my hands. I stand up and walk over to my closet. "Maybe if im lucky youll be there" I smile and grab the blue dress from the closet. Its a one shoulder and the sleeve goes to my wrist. It also has a dark blue belt that looks like a tenticle and black a sparkley tent to it.

I go in the bathroom and brush threw my hair. I put the brush down and look in the mirror. My hairs the same chocolate brown with my bangs over my left eye, but when I got married to the asshat my bangs have a blue strip tracing it. My eyes are the same maroon except they know have a bright red pupil, which scares me a little... ok a lot. My skin is the same pale and it always will be because asshat wont let me go outside in the morning. He only will when its noon and no ones there. I look down and strip out of my clothes, throwing them into the clothes basket and jump into the shower. I wash through my hair and do everything else I needed to do. I jump out and dry myself off. I pull on the dress then brush through my damp hair. I blowdry it then brush once again! Finally I am done with the brush dry brush dry shit. I smile and put my hair in a ponytail, walking out of the bathroom. I go to my nightstand and grab my crown.

The crown is a black crown with tenticles as points and a dark blue gem in the middle and smaller ones on the sides. "Now the tracker shit" I mumble and walk out of my room. Yea I know I didnt get shoes, Im walking around on the beach I dont need shoes. I make my way to the great hall and see a single guard not paying attention. I smirk and grab a vase off of a stand. I hide it behind me and walk slowly over to the guard. "Why hello Mr.Guard" I say sweetly. The guard looks up at me skeptically. "Hello my queen" I fake gasp and frown. "Is that any way to speek to your queen" I ask and his eyes widen. He bows and starts to appolagize. "Im so sorry my royalness! May I get you anything?" He says and keeps bowing. I smirk and bring the vase out from behind me. "Well you may-" Before I finish I throw the vase at him and run through the grand doors, laughing my ass off.

I walk through and see Brandon smirking with the tracker in hand. "Im ready Brandon" I say and stick out my arm. He rolls his eyes and sticks the needle in it. I would say it hurts but its been a month so i got used to it. "Really happy arent ya?" I turn around and start to walk out the door. "No dippshit" I say and run down the corridors and to the iron door leading out. I smile widely and open the door, walking out into the water. The water doesnt affect me since I have the crown for my face and the dress for the rest. I walk out of the water and onto the warm sand of the beach. I sigh contently and sit on the edge of the beach. The water going up to the sand and tickling my feet. I giggle lightly close my eyes as the rays of the sun shine on my pale skin.

My smile disappears and I become very depressed. A single tear falls down my face and I pull my legs up to my chest. "I miss you Adam" I mumble and lay my head ontop of my legs. "Its always so lonely without your smile. Your laugh" I smile throughout those words then my smile falls with the others "Your touch" I hear someone walking but just think of it as a bird or something. I hear someone sit down beside me and look up, my eyes widening.

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