Chapter 10

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{Tys POV}

I yawn and stretch slightly as I snuggle into Adams side. I look up at him as he sleeps peacefully. I smile as I remember how last night went.


I look over at the stairs as I watch Tyler almost dragging Jason up the stairs. I laugh lightly and turn around at Adam. Right now he's blowing at his curls from his hair and taking gulps of his beer. I sigh and crouch down in front of him. "Alright, Adam. I think you've had enough beer" His hazel eyes look away from his curl and at me. "B-ut I like *hick* it" I smile slightly and gently take the beer from his shaky hands "I know, but I think it's time for bed" He nods slightly and I walk into the kitchen. I pour out the rest of the beer and grab a cup from the cabinet. I throw away the beer glass and poor cold water into the cup. I turn off the faucet and walk back into the living room. I walk over to Adam and gently put the cup of water in his hand. "Here. Drink this. It'll help weaken the alcohol" He looks up at me then slowly starts to take sips of the water. I smile and put my hand out for him. "Come on. Lets go to bed." He sits down the water and starts to stand up on wobbly feet. I help him up but he still ends up tripping over his own feet, ending with him falling on top of me. A gasp escapes my lips as I look up at Adam as he shakes his head. He starts to laugh and he yawns before he opens his eyes. He looks at me before his hands cup my cheeks gently. "You're really *Hick* p-retty" A blush spreads across my cheeks as I nod slightly, smiling. "Thank you, Adam. Now can you please get up for we can try and go up the stairs?" He nods and slowly gets up on wobbly hands. I get up and slowly stand as I help Adam up again, more carefully than I did last time. "Hey Seto." Seto looks up from me as she helps tries to stop Brice from doing a flip off of the table. "You need any help before I go up with him?" She looks up at Brice as he tries to get out of her grip but also trying not to hurt her. "Please?" I smile and nod understandingly. I look at Adam and pick up the glass of water. "You stay here and drink this while I help Seto. Ok?" He nods and watches as I walk over to Seto and Brice.

Seto and I pull Brice gently down from the table and breath a sigh of relief as he starts to play with his hands. "i guess alcohol doesn't go well with him" I say before laughing lightly. Seto laughs and nods "Remind me to never let him drink more than three beers ever again" I laugh and nod "If you remind me to do the same with Adam" We laugh and I hand Brice over to Seto. "You got him now?" Seto nods and starts to lead Brice towards the stairs. I look at everyone else and see everyone else past out on the chairs and, or couch. I walk over to Adam to see him almost falling over from exhaustion. I laugh and shake my head as I gently take the cup from his hands and sit it on the counter. I help him up and grunt as he leans most of his weight on me. I help, more like drag, him up the stairs. I sigh happily as I get to the top. I turn and open the door to our room. I take Adam over to the bed and lay him down before I walk over to the door and close it. I walk over to the bed and flop on it. I sigh contently as my muscles relax. I lay myself right and pull the covers over us. I snuggle up to Adam and sigh happily as his arm unconsciously wraps around me, pulling me even closer to him. I close my eyes and let exhaustion take over putting me into a well needed rest.

-Flashback over-

I laugh at the flashback and look out of the window as the sun shines brightly in the sky and the birds chirp happily for the new day. I sigh happily and reach over Adam to grab the remote, careful not to wake him up. I grab it successfully and smile triumphantly. I lean back into my spot and rest my head on Adams chest as I skip through channels.


My fist flies down onto the arm rest of my thrown. I glare angrily at the squid that was now shaking in fright. "What did you say" I say out through gridded teeth. "T-the soldiers g-gave the team the wrong p-potion, y-your majesty" I lift myself off of the thrown and march down the steps angrily. I grab the squid by the tentacles.

(Its changed to testicles lmfao!)

I squeeze ruffly and pull the squids head close to my lips. "You shall be the one to dispose of the soldiers" I let go of the tentacles and march down the hall angrily. I get to the science room and walk over to the head scientist. "Now. Are the potions finished?" The scientist shakes lightly and looks up at me, not meeting my eyes. "N-no sir, I n-need a sample from e-each subject. It can be blood or hair doesn't matter" I nod my head and turn towards the door. "I shall get the samples" The scientist lets out a relieved breath and turns back his books. I walk through the doors and start to head towards the dungeons. I get to its dungeon and look inside. "It's time. I need you to get a sample of each partner. The soldiers were to stupid to understand so I need you to get it for me. Understood" Bright red eyes shined back at me with an evil smirk.

"Yes. Master"







Needs to be Bad sorry everyone *Hides* (/~\)

(Optional) Extra-

(Optional) Hybrid/Element-

 Once Again sorry for not letting a lot of you in after I said you could. I feel really bad about doing that. Like I'm being legit serious. It's just that in the A/N i said it in I really needed Bad & Good person but no one gave me a bad person and I had like already 2-3 new people in the book and I'm trying to keep the book youtubers but also include the readers a bit. Cause I know a lot of you don't like when an author adds characters and the book says (SHIP) and is really only about the characters in the book. Cause ya know it sometimes ruins the book but some authors are just good at hiding it. So yea I gotta go so I can wor

Forgotten Love (Book 2 of Genderbent Love)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin