Chapter 13

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(Brices Pov)

I walk up the stairs humming along to a song that just randomly popped up into my head. Seto had gone with Jason and Tyler to see the doctors just to be sure about the baby and to know exactly what to do since no one does. I push open my door and walk over to the bed, plopping down on the bed lazily. Everyone is doing their own thing today and I'm kinda just bored out of my mind. I sigh and look over at the nightstand for the remote. I freeze when my eyes catch sight of a small black box. I sit up and walk over to it, bending down to pick it up. "What the heck is this" I mumble to myself as I turn the box to look at it. A shock wave shoots up my hands making me hiss and let go of the box in pure shock. I shake my hand to rid the pain and look down at my hand. "What the-" I look down at my hand, confused. My hand was bleeding slightly. I look down at the box and shrug.

 I walk to the bathroom and stick my hand under the faucet to wash away the blood. I grab the first aid kit from under the sink and grab some gauze. "I'm not even gonna question it" I sigh out and wrap my hand up. I turn off the sink and put the first aid kit back. I walk back into the bedroom to see the black box gone. I raise my eyebrow and hmm. "That's odd" I walk over to where the box was and look around. I look under the bed and under the dresser, even the table but it was no where to be seen. "Hmm, ok?" I shrug and grab the remote before plopping back down on the bed. "I'll ask Seto what the box was later. Who knows, Seto could've left it there on accident or something" I yawn and turn on the TV to a random show. I feel my eyes start to droop and a yawn escapes my lips. I close my eye to take a small nap.

{Tylers pov}

I look around the big white waiting room at the very few people that are here. I look over at Jason who is scrolling through something on his phone and then my eyes wonder to Seto who is reading a weird looking book. I start to kick my legs lightly as I look out one of the giant windows. I forgot my phone at home so I'm bored as fuck. "Christie?" Jason stands up and pulls me up with him. He smiles at me reassuringly making me return the smile. We walk to where the nurse tells us to and she tells us to stay in the room and the doctor will be here shortly. I sit on top of the table and kick my feet around. "Jason?" I hear him hmm and I look up at him. "How are we gunna take care of a young child when we're still trying to defeat the squids" Jason looks up at me and smiles slightly. He stands up and walks over to me, sitting down on the bed beside me. "We can do this. We have our friends and each other." I smile up at him and kiss his lips lightly. "Alright" I breath out and the doctor comes in. He looks down at his clip board and nods. "Trina Christie?" I nod and the doctor walks over, sitting in the desk chair in front of us. "I'm Dr.Russel." I smile and him and shake his extended hand. "I'm Trina and this is Jason" He nods and leans back in his chair. "Alright what seems to be the problem?" I breath in an uneasy breath and say "I need to know if I am actually pregnant and we aren't sure what to do" The doctor smiles at me reassuringly and writes some stuff down. "Alright, Trina can you lie down for we can start the monitor" I nod and Jason jumps off of the bed for I can lie down. I lie down and the doctor walk over to me and ask me to lift up my shirt to show my stomach. I raise my eyebrow curiously at him and lift my shirt up slightly to show my stomach. He spreads a cool jell over it making me shiver. He moves a thing over it making a weird feeling spread over my stomach. He looks over at a screen which is suppose to show the baby and stuff, I'm guessing.

He hmms and looks over at me. "How long have you been feeling almost sick like?" I hmm in thought and realize. I've been feeling sick ever since we've done 'it'. I just thought I was coming down with something until this morning. "For a week maybe?" he nods and looks back at the screen. "It looks like your almost a month in" I look over at Jason then back at the Dr. Russel. "What?" "Now your next appointment should be in a couple of weeks" I nod slowly and he hands me a paper towel to wipe of the jell. I wipe it off and throw it in the trash. I thank Dr. Russel and he leaves for he can work on other patients. We walk out of the room and into the waiting room where Seto was talking to a nurse. She sees us and says something to the nurse before waving goodbye and walking over. "So, how'd it go?" I don't say anything. I'm still shocked about the baby looking to be about a month. How is that possible! I lost my virginity to Jason about a week ago! Not a month, not two months. A week! We get into the car and Jason drives towards the house. Seto looks at us questioningly since no one would answer her question. We walk into the house and close the door. "Tyler. Can I talk to you for a second?" I nod and we walk upstairs to our room. 

He closes the door and I run my hand through my hair. "How is this possible" I breath out. "Tyler" I look up at Jason and he looks back at me with sadness, fear, and anger in his eyes. I just look at him confused. "Did you cheat on me?" My mouth hangs open and my eyes widen. "What?" I squeak out and he pushes off the door. "Did you cheat on me?" His voice rises a little and I shake my head hurriedly "Of course not Jason. Why would you even think that?" He shrugs "I'm not sure what I think anymore" He almost yells out in anger. I just look at him in disbelief. "You took my virginity Jason. You were my first and that was the first" Jason looks at me funny then asks "Then how is the baby almost a month? Huh" I shrug and raise my hands up in the air "How am I suppose to know. I'm just as surprised and confused as you are!" Now it was my turn to yell. Jason crosses his arms and I put my arms down. "M hmm" I raise my eye brow and look out of the window as I feel my eyes start to get watery. I won't let him see me cry over this.

"What, so you don't believe me" I hear Jason scoff and the bed creak. "I'm not sure anymore" I feel a single tear fall and I rush my hand over my cheek not letting it show. "Well then" I breath in a sharp intake as I feel my heart shatter just a bit. How could he think that I cheated on him. I understand it looks bad but haven't we been through enough together for him to trust me? "I'll just go then. Since you don't trust me enough to believe me" My hands ball into a fists and I walk out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I feel the tears actually start to fall and I take a sharp intake of breath trying to slow my fast beating heart. I put my hand over my mouth to quiet the small whimpering. I don't want to speak to anyone right now. I just want to be alone. I rush down the stairs and out the door before anyone can stop me.

Forgotten Love (Book 2 of Genderbent Love)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora