Chapter 9

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{Mitch's pov}

I look around the room to see everyone watching Tv except for Seto because she's reading a book. I lean on the back of the couch and look up the stairs. Alright they're still asleep. I sit back upright on the couch and look at everyone. "Alright guys" I say as i clap my hands together. They all look at me with confused faces. "I think we should throw a little party for Ty coming home and Adam getting half of his memory back" I say with a giant smile across my face. Everyone agrees with their own 'yeas' and 'finally's. "We are gunna head to the store to buy some supplies and stuff!" Bodil yells as he jumps up from the chair he was sitting on and drags Simon, who was sleeping peacefully in his lap and is now yelling at bodil to "Never wake him up again or he will have to deal with his 'rage'" or whatever that means. Bodil just laughs and runs out the door. Ian sits up and pulls Quentin up with him as he walks int the kitchen yelling "I'm going to make a cake and some treats!" Jason jumps off the couch and pulls Tyler up off the couch. "We are gunna go up and make sure that they stay in their rooms for y'all can have enough time. We know Adam stays awake all night o he most likely will stay asleep but not sure about Ty" We all nod and they run up the stairs as Tyler laugh at something Jason says under his breath. I jump up and smile at Seto, Brice, and Jerome. "Well I guess we are the decorators!" Seto nods and closes her book, standing up. We head towards Bodils room because one thing about Martin is that he always has some kind of party thing in there. 


(Adams Pov) (\(^3^)/)

I wake up to a bang on the door. I look up at the door and sigh annoyed under my breath. "really guys" I mumble and go to sit up but I quickly freeze my movements as I feel something weigh me down on my chest. I look down to see a sight that i would never forget. Ty was snuggled to my chest with her hand beside her mouth covering it slightly. Her hair was framing her face perfectly and a small smile captures her face in an amazing sight. I smile and slowly lay myself back down. They can wait. I think and lay back down with one arm behind my head and the other playing with Tys' hair lightly. I hear Ty sigh contently in her sleep as she snuggles closer to me. My smile widens and I close my eyes as I listen to Tys' slow breaths. My mind wonders to last night. Are we really ready for a kid? I mean I still have memory to find and Ty just came back from.... I have no idea actually... But anyways. Maybe I was just tired last night or somethin. I don't know. I mean I would lo-. My thoughts get interrupted by someone talking outside the door. Ty yawns and snuggles into my side with a slight frown on his face. I sigh and look up at the door before flopping my head back lazily into the comfortable pillow behind me. "You have got to be kidding me" I gently lay Ty beside me and rest his head comfortably on the pillow before throwing the covers off of me and lightly walk towards the door to not wake Ty up. I rush it open and glare at the two frozen friends in front of me. I look behind me and see Ty still asleep so I step outside and gently close the door behind me.

I look at Jason and Tyler as I cross my arms in front of me. "Now, which one of you are going to tell me why your up here in front of my bedroom door, talking and making noise when you could be downstairs or in one of your own bedrooms?" They glance at each other and Tyler shakes his head as Jason sighs and looks at me. "Well... umm... we were coming up here to see if y'all were awake for we could ask y'all... if...-" Jason looks over at Tyler as she jumps up and screams out "PANCAKES!.... Would y'all like any pancakes?" I look at them confusingly and shrug "Uhh... no thanks? Can y'all keep it down or whatever" I turn around and walk back into the room where Ty was still fast asleep. I sigh happily because he hasn't moved an inch. I gently walk back over to the bed and lay down. I bring Ty back over to me as she turns over and snuggles back into my side. I look over on the side table and grab the remote, turning on the TV and bringing Ty closer to me with my other hand. I flip through channels and use my other hand to play with Tys' hair. I frown at the TV when I can't find anything on and turn it off, sitting the remote on the table. I put my arm behind my head and yawn as I close my eyes. "So, who was at the door?" I jump and look down at where the voice came from. I rub my eyes and smile "Well good morning to you sleeping beauty" Ty laughs and lies her head back on my chest. "So you was it?" She asks curiously making me chuckle lightly and lay my head back down on my arm. 

Forgotten Love (Book 2 of Genderbent Love)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें