Chapter 8

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{Tys pov}

My cheeks redden as he says those words. "What the fuck Adam!" I say as I cover my face in his chest. He chuckles and starts to pet my hair. "Hey but seriously though Ty just think about it. I may not remember everything but I do remember loving you" I hear him say before he kisses the top of my head. "Yea I guess but it's just the point really. Ya know? It's still awkward being in a girls body when I'm actually suppose to be a boy" I look up at Adam and sigh. "Maybe one day Adam" I put my hand gently on his face and he smiles, leaning against it. "One day" He kisses me on the lips and pulls away. I smile and snuggle into his chest as he pulls the cover over us. "Night Ty. I love you" I yawn and smile "I love you too, Adam" and I meant it. I wasn't lying like I did with Brandon. That reminds me. What if Brandon tracks me down to here? He could get the rest of the team again! Oh I'm so stupid! I just had to see Adam didn't I!


Well of course I did. Its Adam! I missed him so much! I look down at our interlocked hands and smile slightly. I won't let nothing happen to Adam. Not again and not ever.

I close my eyes and let fatigue take over my body. I fall asleep that night with nightmares of the squids coming and taking Adam. That night I didn't get much sleep and I never let go of Adam.

{Tyler's pov}

I lay on the bed with Jason as he plays with my hair unconsciously. "Jason?" I hear a slight hmm and I look up. "How do you think Ty and Adam are taking all this?" He sighs and shrugs "I'm not sure, but I know they're both strong" I smile up at Jason and snuggle back into his chest. "Yea. I'm just worried for em, ya know?" "Yea. We all are" I yawn and close my eyes as exhaustion kicks in. Jason pulls the cover over us and pulls me closer to him, if that's even possible. I smile "I love you, Jason" I say between a yawn. "I love you too, Tyler" I snuggle into Jason's side and sigh contently before falling asleep happily.


I open my eyes to see the team crafted house. I look around but don't see anyone. I sit up but instantly fall back down, surprised at the extra weight. I look down and see my stomach blotted. "What the fu-" "TYLER!" I look up to see Ty walk in with a small baby bump and his hair up in a pony tail. "Come on, Seto wants us all in her lab for we can find a way to get them back" I nod and Ty walks over, helping me off the couch. I smile at her and we walk up the stairs to Seto's room. I look around at the place as we step inside. Potion bottles and books scatter the floor with ingredients littering the counters. Seto sits in front of a desk with a book in front of her. Her hair is down and her clothes are dirty from potion ingredients and explosion mess ups. Some of the team is huddled around her with hopeful looks on their faces. "Have y'all found anything?" Ty asks as she helps me sit on the bed. Mitch shrugs and shakes her head, her messy hair falling in her face. "No. Just the same stuff that we've already found" I hear Ty sigh beside me and sit down. I look over at her to see her with her head in her hands.

I watch as the scene around me changes from Seto's bedroom into a stone brick corridor with bright red carpet on the floor. Glowstone shines brightly from the ceiling and few iron doors are scattered around the walls. I hear an explosion behind me making me turn around. My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat as a scream flies from my lips without my content. The figure in front of me turns his head and an evil smile decorates his lips. His once light brown hair is now messy and has black almost horn shape things on his head. His once bright blue eyes that shined with happiness and love is now pure white shinning for death and blood. His shirt is now torn and ripped showing his skin pure black with only the tops his normal tan skin. A gasp escapes my lips before someone pulls me down the hall. A name escapes my lips before I'm pulled away from an explosive wither head. "Jason"


I shoot up out of bed and look around to see me and Jason's room. I look to my right and see a sleeping Jason with a peaceful smile on his lips. I breath in a jagged breath and wipe the sweat off of my head. I rub the sleep from my eyes and watch as Jason's chest heaves up and down with calm breaths. I lie back down and snuggle into Jasons' side. His arm wraps around me before pulling me closer. A small smile pulls on my face as I look outside the window at the rising sun. The birds start to chirp for the new day and the stars start to disappear with the moon. I look back up at Jason and put my hand over his. No black or grey covers his skin and no darkness surrounds him. I smile and shake my head to rid myself of the nightmare and to be pulled back into the real world. I lay my head on Jasons chest and let his heart beat lull me back into a dream of me and Jason but this time he's not evil and there's no darkness. Just him and I on a swing watching as the sun sets beautifully over the horizon.

Forgotten Love (Book 2 of Genderbent Love)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora