Chapter 10 ~ Ed

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     She has barely called me during these days. Sometimes, if I don’t text her first, I don’t get any sign from her and I know she told me to expect this from her, and Mila also told me a few days after Moni and I got together that she’s not the one who takes the first step. She’s the one that also has in mind ‘I don’t want to be a bother’, that’s why I insisted so much that if she ever needed me she couldn’t doubt on calling me. I want her to know she’ll never be a bother for me. However, that can’t be easy to accomplish, right?

I don’t need her to call me twice a day and to talk over the phone an hour, I know that’s not necessary, but sometimes a text from her would be nice, just to remind me that she’s thinking of me as well, because I think of her a lot. I miss her silly antics, I miss her laugh, I miss her ability to learn how to use something faster than I can unwrap it, I miss her obsession to read all the manuals even though she knows how to use the gadget, I miss her excitement over books I haven’t heard before, I miss the way she looks at me when she’s happy, I miss her pleading eyes when she doesn’t want to go out or move for what it matters. I miss her. That’s why I’m so excited to see her walking across those doors to me, with her joyful smile and her untamed hair floating behind her as she walks.

She arrives in America today so we can spend New Year’s together and I know one of her dreams is to spend that night in New York, so I’m taking her there. But first I need her with me. I shouldn’t be here waiting for her at the airport, I should be doing some promo in a local radio station, but I managed to change the schedule and do the show beforehand so I could be here as a surprise. She doesn’t know I’m here.

I see her plane has landed already and I can’t wait to see her again. Not talking so much with her during these past few days makes this moment even more exciting and when I see her I have to contain myself from grinning like a complete idiot. “Ed?” she questions when our eyes meet and I can see surprise in her dark orbs. “But I thought you– and I– How is that–?” she mumbles ever so confused and I don’t let her say anything else, I wrap my arms tightly around her waist and bring her close until I crush my lips against hers.

She doesn’t react at the beginning, surprise freezing her muscles, but soon she recovers and kisses me back, her arms looping around my neck as she lets her purse fall to the floor. “I missed you,” I tell her still brushing my lips against hers. “Surprise,” I add and she giggles ruffling my hair with her little hands.

“I missed you, too,” she tells me and hearing that makes me feel more assured. I can’t help wondering if she misses me the way I do when we are apart because she never mentions it unless I say it first. Cue to her words, I feel her arms tightening around me as she buries her face in the crook of my neck. “Very much,” she whispers and I bring her even closer, not wanting to let her go.

She does miss me when we’re not together, she’s just not comfortable enough to say all that she feels.

“Let’s go. I want you to tell me everything you did this week,” I tell her finally letting her go and taking her hand to walk with her.

“That won’t take much longer. Basically I just read, ate, slept and went to the toilet. Yup, that sums pretty much everything,” she answers and I laugh. For some reason, that doesn’t surprise me.

* * *

“This wasn’t necessary, Ed!” she tells me reproachfully, but I know she’s happy. Her eyes betray her tone.

“But I wanted to do it, so it was necessary,” I tell her kissing her check and she gives in with a smile.

“You’re crazy, you know that?”

Little Bird (Ed Sheeran)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant