Chapter 11 ~ Ed

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     I have her in my arms whilst she’s reading the book I gave her for Christmas. At the end, I discovered the series which the quote of her tattoos are from and for Christmas I gave her Acheron, her favourite book from the enormous series and this copy is not only hardcover, it’s also signed by the author, a woman that Moni really admires. Her smile when she saw the present and the way she looked at me after that was all I needed to feel happy.

She leaves for London again in a few hours and when I asked her if she wanted to do something, she just took my hand and told me, “I just wanna stay here with you, only the two of us.” So we’re now in my bed and while she reads, I keep stroking her hair whilst music plays in the background. I don’t mind at all that we’re not doing something productive, I love having her in my arms, even more when I know I won’t see her in a long time and this is the last chance we have to be together until I go back home.

“How many times have you read this book?” I ask her looking at the tick book. It has more than eight hundred pages and she’s practically devouring it.

“I lost track,” she answers, her eyes never leaving the pages.

“Why do you like it so much?” I question again. I know she can keep reading and talk to me at the same time.

“I guess I love how after all he had to go through, after all the pain and unfairness, he find the person that knows how to love him and help him to heal his wounds. I love Acheron and he deserves this story.”

The quote of her tattoo is not in this book, but it’s said by this character, Acheron, in a previous book –that’s what she explained to me.

“The first part of this book shows how love can destroy your life, and the second part shows how it makes you stronger. I love that,” she adds softly stroking her tattoo and I nod, understanding why she loves this book so much. She has it already in paperback, Mila told me when I asked her, but she always wanted the hardcover version and that’s why I found it for her, because I knew it would make her happy. “I skip some parts,” she carries on and I see her cheeks blushing and I wonder what kind of parts she skips. “Except those parts when all the drama is in its climax or the battle scenes, those are my favourites.”

“I love how deeply you get into your books,” I tell her hugging her tightly and kissing her cheek softly. I really love the way she feels towards those things that are important to her, like books. She’s so passionate.

I feel her relaxing against my body and can’t help smiling, because with every day we spend together, she gets more used to us being like this. She loves to cuddle, though she never says so, but I can see it in her eyes and the way some times she moves like a cat looking for more pettings.

“Ed,” she says after a while and this time she’s not reading. I know it because her fingers go up and down the page, caressing the letters printed on the paper. “Can you sing to me?” she asks me softly, shyly and just a look at her face shows me how blushed she is.

“What do you want me to sing?” I ask her, bringing her closer to my body, wrapping my arms tighter around her body, my heart hammering against her back and my lips brushing her ear.

“Anything,” she answers in a whisper. “One of your songs or any other. I just wanna hear you sing, just for me,” she adds and I know she doesn’t feel comfortable with this request, but she utters it anyways.

I know she likes all my songs, so picking one to start is rather difficult. I start singing the first one that comes to my mind, which is Wake Me Up.

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