Chapter 4 ~ Ed

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      “You have to make a move tonight!” Harry tells me and my eyes widen in shock. He chuckles at my expression but that only seems to encourage him. “Yes! If you really fancy her, you have to make sure she knows that. I know Moni, she probably is right now telling Mila that this is not a date, that you only see her like a friend and blah, blah, blah. God, she’s so stubborn. Tonight when the two of you are alone here, you have to make your move.”

I feel really uncomfortable about this, I didn’t want to talk about this to anyone, but Harry just showed up in my flat this afternoon and wouldn’t leave me alone until I told him everything about the date. He’s right about Moni being stubborn and I’m sure she is denying everything. Or maybe she doesn’t even know I see her with other eyes. She’s that oblivious sometimes. She can be so perceptive sometimes, but when it comes to her life, she’s clueless.

“Like what? She doesn’t get scared so I can’t offer her shelter. She doesn’t cry so I can’t offer her my shoulder. If I fake yawning and stretch myself just to hug her, she’ll cut my arm for being so cliché. What can I do, Harry? Uh?” I ask back, folding my arms.

“I don’t know, mate! Whatever you have to do. Sing her a song, teach her how to play golf.” Did he just say golf? “Be creative! It’s your move, not mine. The thing is that when she leaves this flat, she must know how you feel about her. You have to be that bold with her.”

That’s the problem. I don’t think I can be bold with her. In a way, she’s intimidating. She looks so confident and independent and comfortable with whom she is. She never mentions how she would like to be in a relationship. On the contrary, she always says how easier life is without a boyfriend. How can I be bold with her if I’m scared she might reject me? She would never date me out of pity, that’s not her. How do I tell her all what she makes me feel without scaring her?

“What if she says she only sees me like a friend?” I inquire rhetorically, not really expecting an answer, just expressing my fear out loud.

“She doesn’t,” Harry replies simply and I look at him. Why is he so sure about it? “It’s obvious. When it’s about you, she looks completely different. It’s like she loses all her armour and it’s just a simple girl. Plus, she doesn’t treat you like she treats the others. Has she ever pranked you?” I shake my head. “There you have it.”

“Would that mean she doesn’t care about me as much as she cares about you all? She has told me she pranks you and bullies you because she loves you,” I tell him and Harry rolls his eyes.

“She’s so weird. It’s hard to follow her mind. I’m just telling you, she fancies you and you have to make sure she understands you do too. Okay?” Resigned, I nod although I’m not sure if I’ll find a way to make her see what she means to me. I know it’s really easy to be with her around, but when it comes to this kind of stuff, I’m no good.

* * *

The bell rings and I almost burn myself alive with the boiled water I was pouring in my mug for a cup of tea. I look at the clock on the wall and I realise she’s on perfect time. That’s so her, always punctual. I forget about my tea and go to open the door and as I expected, she’s at the other side, smiling naturally and looking nice. She’s very simple with her outfits, she doesn’t care much about how she looks as long as she’s comfortable and that’s one of the things I like about her: her simplicity.

While other girls like to go on shopping sprees of shoes and clothes, Moni loves to go seeing cars or going to the tech department. Makeup? I think she only wears eyeliner.

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