Chapter 1 ~ Moni

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     “Oh, you have to wear this and put your hair like this. I’m so excited for you,” Mila keeps telling me as she moves my hair for like the billionth time already. I slap her hand so she can finally leave me the fuck alone and let me breathe.

“Mila, honestly, calm down! I’m just going to a gig, it’s not a big deal. In fact, I don’t know why you’re not coming with me,” I tell her and her smile is still as humongous as it has been the whole day. “Mila, stop!” I cry out because she’s freaking me out. She has tried to make me change my outfit too many times and I’m about to murder someone.

“You’re going on a date with Ed. I can’t calm down!” she replies and I roll my eyes.

“It’s not a date. I’ve told you that too many times already,” I repeat walking away.

I don’t see anything wrong with what I’m wearing: black leggings, a long grey t-shirt with my grey hoodie. Of course, along with my black combat boots that I just love. They are similar to Alex’s, mine are just shorter and older as I wear them all the time. Anyways, this is me. I’m not the kind of girl who wears a lot of makeup and enjoys getting ready before going out. I’m the kind who’d rather stay home and if she goes out, she wears the comfiest thing in her wardrobe.

My hair falls in its messy and untamed curls at my left as my right side of the head is buzzed. My hair is weird: it has its own personality, I think, and it has many colours. It’s not simply brown, it has some dark shades of blonde and even some reddish locks here and there. I don’t particularly like it, but it’s the only hair I have and I need to learn to live with it.

“It is a date and you know it, that’s why you’re so nervous,” she tells me walking towards me and I close my eyes so I can’t meet hers.

I know it. Harry told me the same thing and I guess that anyone else would say the same thing, but I feel calmer if I say that it’s not. If I accept out loud that Ed asked me out, I would freak out, lock myself in my room until the end of the world.

I don’t understand what possessed Ed to ask me out after his concert and I honestly don’t think it’s a bet. He’s not that type: he’s the honest, shy and awkward kind of guy, which, I think, allows him to write that authentic music I love so deeply. But if it’s not a bet, then I don’t know what it is. I just don’t see any other reason for a guy to accept to go on a date with me.

Maybe Harry convinced Ed to asked me out as a revenge for all the times I’ve pranked him. That would be fair.

“Have fun today and I’ll stay awake so you can tell me everything later,” she tells me hugging me from behind.

“I’ll tell you how amazing the gig was and how stupid you are for missing it,” I tell her and my best friend laughs.

“I love you, too,” she replies and hugs me tighter.

I’m afraid this is going to be a disaster.

* * *

I’m in first row. This is amazing, right in front of the middle of the stage and everyone around me is excited. Ed is about to come out and I can’t believe I’ll finally see him live. I’ve always wanted to come to one of his gigs, but every time something came up that didn’t allow me to do so. This is my first Ed Sheeran gig and I’m in the first row. My life has just been made.

My VIP pass is hanging from my neck under my hoodie and Ed told me that when the show is over, I have to show it to one of the guards and he will take me backstage. I’m really excited and I can’t wait for the show to start. I know it’s going to be amazing and I have my stomach filled with mutant radioactive butterflies! Hulk is nothing compared to my butterflies, Nick Fury had called me a few times to ask my butterflies to join the Avengers, but they are busy making me sick.

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