Epilogue ~ Ed

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  • Dedicated to Everyone!

     I have a girlfriend who’s actually weird. And I’m saying that as a compliment, believe me, she is really happy every time I tell her how different she is from the rest. She takes pride in her weirdness. She is my special little Moni and she loves when I call her that, although she never accepts it out loud, but I can tell by the look in her eyes and the way she smiles when she thinks I’m not looking.

She hates clichés and cheesy things, but from time to time, she really enjoys when I whisper things in her ear, telling her how much I love her and how much she means to me. I feel her shiver in my arms and see her blushing and smiling shyly, and I love when she does that.

She thinks of herself as a guy and complains all the time for being a girl. She hates pink and shopping and enjoys watching football games too much, and when she does, she curses like a truck driver. It’s quite fun to watch her, how into the game she can get and when she is with Mila, it’s a real show. She loves cars and knows more about mechanics than what I’ll ever know.

She is very compassionate. Show her the saddest film and she won’t cry, the whole world may end, but she won’t cry. However, show her a film where an animal suffers, and she’ll cry like a baby. When we watched I’m Legend, she cried until the end of the film because of the dog. She cries when she remembers Hachiko. I know she loves animals more than she loves people.

She is so random at times. Sometimes she just pops out of nowhere, singing an old song and making a whole show.

“You are dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen,” Moni runs into the living room when I get to her flat and I smile as I think of her doing exactly what is doing now. “Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine, uh yeah!” she gets to me, takes my hand and makes me twirl on my spot. I chuckle as I grab her in my arms.

“You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life,” I sing along, following her game and laughing as we dance in the living room. Although I wouldn’t call it actually dancing.

“See that girl, watch that scene, diggin’ the dancing queen!” she finishes so out of key that I know she does it on purpose, which makes me laugh so hard I have to let her go and grab my sides. “Thank you, thank you. I know I was born to be a star.”

“You were. You should be on stage with me. No, better, you should be on stage instead of me,” I state trying to look serious but I can’t hold the laughter back.

“Better no, the world cannot cope with my talent.” I don’t know how she can keep the straight face when she talks. But she can’t hold it for any longer and she burst out laughing as well.

I love these moments, when we laugh so hard she ends up crying. When we say stupid things pretending to be serious. I love how she can make me laugh and forget about everything, just to enjoy the moment. We don’t have to do big things to have fun, we only need each other. And I really like that, that natural thing about our relationship.

With Moni I don’t have to pretend or try too hard. She’s so carefree and no matter how many proposals I get, how many girls scream they love me, she doesn’t say a word about it. She smiles and understands. She allows me to do what I want, to leave and try new things regarding my career and she never holds me back. She supports me through everything. Yes, sometimes it scares me that she seems to accept so easily everything, that she seems not to mind when I’m away. It makes me fear she may not feel the same way, but then I realise it’s only because she wants the best for me and she would never try to hold me back. She would only push me to fly higher.

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