Chapter 2 ~ Ed

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      What I like about Moni is that she’s not the typical girly girl. I don’t mean she’s a tomboy, she’s just not delicate and helpless: she’s tough and independent and she doesn’t care for those superficial things that some girls seem so worried about. She is carefree and she doesn’t fear the unknown. I can take her hand and run with her without telling her where we are going and she doesn’t complain about her shoes nor insists on asking where I’m taking her. She goes along laughing and excited for what is coming. She doesn’t care much about how she looks nor where I want to take her, she remains true to herself no matter what and that’s why it’s so refreshing to be around her. She smiles honestly and doesn’t mind that I’m taking her just for pizza.

I take her to one of my favourite places, a cool and chill pizzeria with games and cool music. It’s one of the first places I discovered when I came to London and I come here as often as possible and she seems to like it immediately. She smiles excited whilst looking around, paying attention to every single detail. She looks like a child on Christmas’ morning and I have to admit, she looks adorable with her big brown eyes shining that way.

At the beginning when I only knew what the lads had said about her, I was a bit scared. They portrayed her as this intimidating creature ready to kill them all, but she’s not like that. She’s strong, yes, and she can do whatever is needed for those she loves –I saw that with Mila– but she’s not cruel or mean, maybe a bit mischievous, but nothing else. She’s kind, she’s sweet and she has a big heart. Her compassion astonished me at the beginning.

Since all those biases were destroyed when I actually met her, I’ve grown fond of her. We talk often and she’s always nice and fun, she’s also very different from other girls I’ve met. Her opinions are strong but she always listens to others and she always has a reason to believe in something. She loves to debate about anything and adores discovering new things everyday.

“So what do you want?” she asks me when we are in front of the guy taking our order. “It can be half-and-half if you don’t want vegetarian. Or maybe we can order two pizzas instead of an extra-large one,” she adds and I smile.

“I’m okay with vegetarian,” I reply without losing my smile. When she told me why she is vegetarian I learnt a lot of new things, but the thing that caught my attention the most was her infinite love for every single animal on Earth.

“Cheers. An extra-large vegetarian is then,” she tells the guy who smiles politely. “I want a coke and you?” she asks me, I motion for her to ask the same. “Two cokes.”

The guy tells us the price and she’s about to take some money out of her pocket but I stop her. “My treat,” I remind her and she looks at me suspiciously.

“Only if you let me invite you something later so we can be even,” she trades and after a couple of seconds I agree.

We go with the extra-large pizza and cokes to a table a bit farther from the rest so we can be left alone and eat in peace. But it’s not much peace when you laugh all the time. Sometimes she can say so many stupid things and then she jumps to a really serious matter in one second. It’s impressive the speed of her mind and all the things that are in there at the same time. Also, it’s impressive all the things she can do at the same time. Once we were Skype-ing and at the same time she was writing a paper for Uni and listening to some music in the background. She got a good grade and she listened to all the things I was telling her and she remembers those things even today.

After we are done with the first pizza, because it’s for sure we are going to order another one, she asks me to play a bit so we end up in the table-top-air-hockey and truth be told, we are not very good at it. In one occasion she hits the disk so hard and it does this amazing route against the walls, getting really close to my side but then coming back to her and scoring. That has to be the most amazing own goal I have ever seen! And after she saw what she did, she started laughing and jumping, celebrating her achievement.

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