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He quietly reassured as he walked down the stairs, quickly running over to the medic section and laid her down. He began rushing about, grabbing everything he thought he needed. Sky, looked down at her as she grabbed hold of his sleeve.

"It hurts Sky." Her voice was hoarse and quiet. Saul glanced over at them, at first he thought Sky was just talking to someone down there. But then, he noticed Faya lying down. He jogged over, seeing the blood and began ordering Sky around to do things to help her.

"Saul, I don't know how much this matters right now... the Burned Ones... they're people. I was outside, used my magic and it ended up dying. The body was a man." She wheezed, trying to distract herself from the pain.

"Alright, thank you. We'll worry about that once you're fixed up. Don't worry about that for now." He said to her, she let the tears pour from her eyes, nodding her head and smiled through her tears.

"You've done well the last few months Faya. In your fairy class and in training. You should be proud." He tried to distract her, telling her information that was true and hoped his method was working. Sky had cut the wrap open, looking at how vicious the wound was. Saul was trying to help, as well as trying to calm her down. A scream escaped her lips, as Sky began cleaning the wound. She was heaving heavily and all the movement she was making just from breathing was painful. 

"Faya, tell me who did this to you." Saul calmly said, nodding at Sky to put something on the wound to help heal it. Faya winced and clenched her eyes shut, nodding in response to what Saul said. Trying to calm herself down, before speaking. 

"It was Dane, that first-year Specialist." Faya yelped, sobbing uncontrollably at the burning sensation on her skin. She watched Saul and Sky share a look, knowing it was bad she almost didn't want to ask but did anyways. 

"What's wrong?" She choked out, relaxing the tiniest bit as Sky began caressing her forehead. 

"Faya, there was something on that blade, it's made this a lot worse. But, there's no need to panic, it will be painful but it will be over soon. I promise." Saul said, taking the things from Sky's hands. Not wanting him to be the one to inflict pain upon the girl. 

Faya's cries filled the room, she tightly squeezed Sky's hands and felt a tear hit her hand. Both men were in tears, it was agonising hearing her cry, scream and shout. 

"Please, no more." She sobbed, wanting to scurry away and hide. Sky was kneeling, so his head was at her head level and kissed her forehead. He whispered sweet nothings to calm her down. Saul found this incredibly painful to accomplish, flinching slightly as she jolted and continued to try to move away from them. Sky had to hold her down, whispering into her ears about a date they could have. 

Saul was able to get the substance out of her system, she slowly regained a normal breathing pattern and only had tears and quiet whimpers. The wound wasn't fully treated, but enough so she'll be able to manage for a couple of hours. They didn't have any of the right tools to help her where they were. He wrapped a proper bandage around the wound, then handed Sky a bowl of water and a rag. Saul slowly helped Faya sit up, she looked ghastly, she had a dead look in her eyes from exhaustion, sweat across her face and blood on her arms and stomach. 

"Faya, stay here. Don't do anything stupid, that's an order. That wound isn't fully treated, we'll get it properly fixed up later. Alright?" She nodded slightly, hugging him weakly and then let go. He nodded, then looked at Sky and started helping the others. 

Sky walked around and stood in front of Faya, dabbing the rag into some water. Then began rubbing the cloth over her face, he looked at her, asking permission to lift her shirt. She nodded and lifted it up, letting him carefully rub the blood away that was on her stomach. 

Both of their attentions were grabbed by Farah's voice, who was standing in a spot where she could easily be seen by everyone. Sky looked back at Faya, softly dabbing the rag on her arms. 

"As I am sure you are aware, Burned Ones have infiltrated the Barrier and the school. For some reason, the magical energy wells which power everything at the school have failed. I managed to speak with Queen Luna before they did. She understands the gravity of what's happening here and the Solarian troops are on their way. We're barricading all entrances to the courtyard. We're safe for now, but we must prepare for the reality that the Burned Ones may infiltrate the space before they arrive. This is what we've been training for. Be cautious, but be brave. Let magic guide you, and let's show them what it means to be Alfeans. Prepare the barricade."

Students began moving everywhere, searching for something to do. Sky placed the rag down, as well as the bowl and lightly kissed her lips. 

"Stay here please, I don't want you getting hurt." She nodded, holding onto Sky and whispered into his ear with a smile. 

"Thank you." She whispered, he smiled and nodded. Walking away to help the other Specialists, Faya carefully placed a hand on her stomach and sniffled with tears in her eyes. Faya wanted to see if she could hear Dane's thoughts without him being in the room and for a moment she could. It all disappeared as a ringing sensation filled her ears, she placed her hands over her ears squeezing as if that were to help get rid of the sound. 

A small gasp escaped her lips, something inside her felt different and odd. She didn't know what it was or what exactly had happened. She watched everyone placing things in front of the doors and window. She used her telekinesis to help decrease that struggle and watched the other mind fairies all nod at her and used their magic to help as well. 

"Faya, you rest. We've got it from here." One reassured her, she nodded with a faint smile and closed her eyes for a moment. She wanted to sleep, but she was too scared of anything bad happening. She watched Aisha, Stella and Bloom sneak past, she called them over glad they didn't ignore her. 

"Whatever you got planned, try not to screw this up even more. It's already chaotic as it is." She didn't bother trying to stop them, just let them go past her. Sky came back over to her, checking in on her health and temp. He was fussing over her, handing her a heating blanket and made sure she drank some water. 

"Silva's pissed keeps mumbling about Dane and making sure gets what he deserves.  I am too, don't worry, we've got your back." She nodded, a small smile on her lips. Faya waved for him to come forward and placed her hands on his cheeks and pecked his lips softly. He smiled into the kiss, gently kissing her back and looked at her apologetically as he was called over. 

"Go, I'll be fine." Sky sighed and nodded. Running off to go and help whoever called him. Screams startled her, causing her to jump and her fear came back. The snarls of the Burned Ones were overwhelming and they were trying to get in. She stood up too quickly, hissing at her pain and stared at a Farah who walked past the students in the centre.

"Remember to keep your emotions in check. Runaway fear leads to runaway magic. Maintain readiness." Faya glanced at Sky as he walked past, the soldier look covering his face.

"Hold your nerve."

Faya took a deep breath, flinching every time the creatures hit the glass. Faya concentrated on the fuzziness, the static thoughts and tried her hardest to turn it away from the school. It was hard when she couldn't be looking at them. A squeak escaped her lips as they jumped through the glass on the roof. Two appeared, one charging for a Specialist and the other looking around, sniffing.

It caught sight of Faya, charging over to her at full speed. She couldn't even react in time, it swooped down and grabbed hold of her ankle. Screams left her mouth as she was dragged across the ground. Sky's shouts filled her ears, she groaned as she hit the ground after the creature jumped down through something.

Sweet Mind ~Fate: Winx Saga Sky~Where stories live. Discover now