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Several weeks had passed since Natalia had come to live in the palace. Were an outsider to see what was transpiring in the life of the new princess, they would be totally flabbergasted. The beautiful young girl with a perfect hourglass figure who had taken the cloak around her shoulders, no longer held that same shape. Her abdomen was now round, unmistakably pregnant, and she looked quite progressed into said pregnancy: perhaps six months along (even though she had been in the castle for just six weeks).

While objectively she was even more of a beauty to behold, she'd become more pale by the day. It was clear the pregnancy was taking a toll on her. Every morning, she vomited. Every day she drank as much blood as she could stand, and yet, every day, she seemed to grow weaker. Her dream of enjoying her child as a human was dying day by day. Her resolute determination kept her moving forward, but the pregnancy was both literally and figuratively draining the life from her.

One morning she awoke, and the pain taking over her so thoroughly she could barely breathe. "Marcello?" She called out, as he was not in the room by her side. Most days he was there when she woke, but not every day. He didn't want to hover, but he also didn't want to not be there if she needed him. Until then, she hadn't, and he'd become more lax with his vigil.

The past few weeks had been an adjustment on both sides, and Marcello was trying to cope. He'd gone from a man who had all the time in the world to do whatever he wished, to a man married to a woman who needed so much from him. Worst of all, he loved her. Had he not fallen so hard and fast, he could've simply left her in someone else's care. He wouldn't feel that wrenching in his gut every morning when he had to watch her blood red vomit. He would've felt no remorse for not being able to console her for that or the copious amounts of blood she choked down.

She'd begun to drink more than even he did—just to survive! And still? Their baby was killing her. He watched day by day as the life drained away from her, and despite that, they had instructed him the child mattered above all. He found himself cursing how strong the baby was. For the first time, doubting that she might actually survive. He just wanted to be there for her as much as he could, help in any way he could, but the truth was, it was hurting him to watch her suffer. So sometimes, he had to retreat.

He had taken a morning walk through the palace, unable to watch her pale, weakened form sleep. He tried to 'sleep' with her and comfort her as much as possible, but sometimes the pressure and sadness of her state just got to him. Once she was thoroughly asleep, he'd retreated to his drawing room. He'd been painting all night, letting some of his frustration out on the canvas.

In her room, Natalia's shining green eyes looked for a sign of relief from the crippling pain. She couldn't walk because of the stabbing in her abdomen, and the glass by her bed was empty. The bottle of blood was clear across the room, and there was nothing she could do but stare at it pitifully.

"Someone?" She called out, hoping perhaps a passing maid would hear. It was a sad plea, but when no one came she mustered everything in her and yelled as loudly as she could, "HELP!"

Mid-step, he heard her scream out. If he had a heart, it would've missed a beat. Marcello dropped his materials, sped through the castle, creating a small air rush behind him, and slammed open the bedroom door. It took him only a few moments to assess the situation. He saw her in severe pain, reaching out, the glass on the dresser. In seconds, it was in her hand and he was guiding it to her mouth. "What is it? What's wrong? Is it just the blood?"

"I... I don't know..." she replied, sweat on her brow. She tried to drink as fast as she could, but the pain wasn't subsiding. She was clutching her stomach. "What's in the box? Something has to be in the box that can help!" She'd reached her limit. Natalia never wanted to use the box, but she felt like something was ripping at her insides.

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