part three - The Sandlot

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that night, i took a notebook and wrote down some baseball stuff to remember, number one being:

The Great Bambino ,

or whatever that was.

~next morning~

"Hamilton 'The Babe' Porter" Ham says. "long-ball Porter!" he continues, waving the bat in the air. he sticks his arm out and points to the sky for some odd reason. but it's funny, so all of us start laughing at him, him being all serious. once Ham puts his arm back down, Kenny throws the baseball at him, Ham swinging to early and Benny catching the ball in his glove. "you call that pitching?!" Ham yells, angry. we all laugh again. "this is baseball! not tennis!" Ham yells. "give him a tennis racket!" Yeah-Yeah teases. "give me something to hit, idiot!" Ham tells Kenny. "he's so pressed" i say to Squints, but so no one else can hear me. Squints bursts out laughing and nods. "alright Ham, this is my heater! i DARE you to hit it!" Kenny replies to Ham. "you'll be sorry." Ham mumbles. "give that boy a bigger bat!" Timmy teases. "you want the heater, i'll give it you ya." Kenny states. "give him a basketball, maybe then he'll hit it!" Bertram teases Ham as Kenny throws the ball, and to everyone's surprise, Ham hits it, he hits it so hard that it goes over the big green fence. as Ham runs by for his home-run, everyone starts yelling at him and hitting him with their gloves. "Ham, you idiot! now we can't play no more!" Benny complains, taking his helmet off. "great, you idiot!" Kenny says, throwing his glove at him. "hey hey hey heyyyyy he hit me with the heater!" Ham tries to save himself but, "stupid idiot!" Squints slaps his back.

i'm very confused on what their freaking out about. maybe none of them can climb fences? i don't know, but i decide to. "hey guys, don't worry! i'll get it!" i say but none of them hear me. i'm halfway up the fence when i hear Squints scream, "NOOOO!!!" followed along with the rest of the boys screaming. i turn around to see why and they're all running toward me and the fence like a heard of elephants.





they were all screaming. they all jump up the fence, grabbing my legs, arms, and torso. "what are you guys doing?!" i shout as they pick me up and drag me off the fence, sitting me back on the ground.

"you're gonna get yourself killed, man!" Benny exclaims and Timmy takes his hat off. "holy crap, you could've been killed!" Squints exclaims, out of breath. "yeah,yeah, truly. what are you doing?!" Yeah-Yeah continues, also panting like a dog. "well y'all clearly weren't gonna get it so i just thought i would-" i start to explain but Squints cuts me off. "if you were thinking, you wouldn't have thought that, dude." Squints snaps at me. "you can't go back there, Smalls." Benny informs me. "then how do we get the ball back?" i ask. "we don't." Timmy answers. "we don't." Tommy repeats him.

"it's history."
"it's history."

"kiss it goodbye."
"kiss it-"

"shut up, Tommy." Timmy tells his brother to stop copying him. "it's gone, man. gone." Bertram states. "the games over, man. we'll just get another ball tomorrow. we'll never see it again." Benny explains and all boys start walking away. "why not?" i ask. they all turn back around.

"The Beast." all eight boys say at the same exact time, in sync.

"what is that?" i ask another question, very very confused. Benny takes a deep breath and walks over to me. "Smalls, listen to me. go to that fence...real slow, and be quiet." He demands. "but-but-but i-" i start. "no, no, no, no." he speaks over me. "but i-" i start again. "it's okay, just go." Benny says and backs back up. "but-"

"just go!" the boys tell me. i turn around and they all 'shush' me. i look back at them then start going again. "slow..." all boys say together again, but much quieter. i slowly kneel down to the hole on the fence, and see the baseball. i look back at the boys and they step back farther. when i look back at the hole, a HUGE dog paw snatches the ball and snarls. i run away from the hole and stumble, getting my balance again. "something got the ball!" i state. "wh-what- what was that thing?!" i ask them. they all look at each other,

"camp out." they all say in sync, again.

~time skip to nighttime~

i sprint to The Sandlot treehouse, being a bit late. "hey guys, sorry i'm late, girl stuff." i say as i sit down on the floor infront of a box, with Ham behind it. all the boys give me a suspicious look and i laugh at them, "so these are the perks of being friends with eight boys and zero girls" i tease them. Yeah-Yeah comes up behind me and kneels on his toes, putting his hands and head on my shoulder "and that every girl is jealous of you because we're all super duper hot!" he teases. "PFFT! please, all of y'all look like naked mole rats! besides maaaaybe Yeah-Yeah." i reply, not meaning for the last sentence to be said out loud. my eyes go wide. all the boys laugh at me "oOoaooaoaoOh y/n's got a crush on Yeah-Yeah!!" they tease me. "oh shut up, all of you, before i throw you out into the street" i snap back. "i guess your not that bad either, Smalls" Yeah-Yeah teases with a wink and i slap him in the shoulder and everyone starts laughing harder. "SHHHH!! are you trying to wake it up?! it just went to bed!" Squints lectures all of us. "what just went to bed?" i ask, getting loud 'shushes' in response. "The Beast." they whisper. "oh yeah!" i remember and get slaps on the shoulder and more 'shushes'. "shh! now quiet!" Squints demands everyone as i lay out my sleeping bag and get in it. Yeah-Yeah hadn't placed his yet, so he walked all the way over to me in the corner and placed his right next to mine. i looked at him and he grinned ear-to-ear. i roll my eyes playfully and look back up at Squints so he can tell his story. he shines a flashlight under his face, trying to make himself scary looking.

"The legend of The Beast goes back a looooong time...before any of us could even pick up a baseball. back to a place called Mertle's Acres. it all started about, hmm, 20 years ago, when thieves kept stealing junk from Mertle's Acres junkyard. So Mr.Mertle, the guy that used to own the place, got him this new pup from the dog pound. he fed it whole sides of beef, and turned the pup loose in the junkyard. and the pup was grateful. and so, in a few weeks, the pup grew into The Beast, and he grew big, and he grew mean, so that he could protect the junkyard with only one thing on his kill everyone that broke in! and he did. and he liked it.....A LOT!! The Beast was the most perfect junkyard dog that ever lived. a true killing machine. but after a while, the cops started getting phone calls from people, reporting all of the missing thieves. the ones The Beast had killed. it added up to about 120-173 guys. it's true. but they never found a single body. not one. some people say they all got away, but we all know what really happened. The Beast ate them. he ate them booone and all. The Beast was too good at his guard dog job, so the police said he had to be retired. my grandpa, Squidman Palledorous, was police chief back then. and he ordered Mr.Mertle to turn his backyard into a fortress, and chain up The Beast, and put him under the house, where he could never get out to eat children and stuff. and that's where he's been for 20 years, and that's where he'll be for the rest of his life. cause when Mr.Mertle asked the cops how long he had to keep The Beast chained up like a slave, they said until forever. for-ev-er. FOR-EV-ER. and so, The Beast sits there, under that lean-to, dreaming of the time where he can break the chain and get out. dreaming of the time he can chase and kill again."
Squints tells the big long story about how The Beast became.

"see, man? that's why you can't go over there. nobody ever has. nobody ever will." Bertram says. "one kid did, but nobody ever seen him again." Ham states. "that ain't true!" Kenny exclaims. "yeah it is! ....he got eaten." Ham says, sorrowly, then biting his s'more. "nuh-uh! no. none of that's true, you guys are just making it up to scare me!" i exclaim, wanting to not believe it, but still not sure. "oh, yeah?" Squints questions and hops down from his seat-stand thing. "stick your head out that window, and look down." Squints demands. i roll my eyes and get up, showing i'm not scared. i do as he told me, and it's like i got deja vu. i now know, they're not lying. i pull my head inside and scream. "he's down there!" i whisper-yell. "i bet he is. whatever goes over that fence....stays there." Ham says. "it becomes property of The Beast....forever." Squints finishes.

after sitting in silence for a good 10 seconds, "i'm going to bed." i say, done with this crap before they tell some scary ghost story or sum. "same" they all say and get in their sleeping bags. Benny flips the lamp switch off and it goes pitch black, but i know i'm safe with these goofy idiots.

The Sandlot (Yeah-Yeah x reader)  (completed) Where stories live. Discover now