A/N <3

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hey party people! i'm really relieved, yet also really upset that this book is OVERRRRR!! i'm going to be starting a new book, i don't know on what yet, either another Yeah-Yeah story, but not based on just the entire movie, like this one was. practically, this book was just the exact movie but written down in words, with some Yeah-Yeah smooches and cute add-ins. anywayyyyy, a normal Yeah-Yeah fanfic, or a Benny fanfic😎.  or something with Mighty Ducks. i love those movies too. but, no matter what it is, it will be on this account, so stick aroundddddd !!

but, i really really hope you loved, or at least liked this book!! i worked pretty hard, and i'm pretty proud of it. sad it has to come to an end :((. but it's okay :)). AND CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT THE ENDING SENTENCE THAT I PUT IN THE LAST CHAPTER?! LIKE IM SO PROUD, ITS AMAZING. YHSYBMKGZSYJVDJB!!

but anyway, this is sadly where we part:(. thank you so so so incredibly much for even clicking on this book and deciding to read it, remember you're so beautiful, inside and out, and in every way, shape, and form. remember to eat good and yummy food, and enough that fills you up, and drink lots and lots of water. and remember to shower, wash your face, do skincare, brush your teeth, ect. be healthy and take care of yourselves.
stay wonderful my lovely's <3💞.



The Sandlot (Yeah-Yeah x reader)  (completed) Where stories live. Discover now