Oh **** freddie found glitter...

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*told from my perspective (alice)*
* David Bowie is in this too btw, for the under pressure performance*

Brian and I had just got back from our walk on the beach, the cool breeze blew and created a lovely atmosphere. All was peaceful until we reached the tour bus and stepped inside.

" ITS NOT MY FUCKING FALT IM FABULOUS!" We heard freddie yelling as we stepped into what was presumed another freddie and roger argument. But our theory was proven only half wrong when we walked into a glitter covered lounge room with bowie looking like a bedazzled barbie doll... Along with anything else freddie had got his hands on.

" FRED YOU IDIOT" I heard rogers voice fill the room. I looked to my right to find what looked to be the moving figure of a man made from glitter. Freddie then ran into the room frantically with a fire extinguisher and began spraying what now looked to be roger. " NO FREDDIE!" Roger yelled swatting at him like a fly.

" I'm helping roggie! Calm your man tits!" He yelled back at the glitter creature. Soon enough there was sparkling white gluey foam everywhere and a very cranky pair of musicians giving Freddie the evil eye as he hid behind the horrified and slightly amused Brian and I.

We stood there for a while in silence, the three of us fearing to even move while in the presence of bowie and roger in their fury, but I happened to break the silence accidentally letting a small giggle leave my lips when a blob of foam fell from the ceiling and onto rogers head. I covered my mouth in shock that I had let it out. Roger looked at me and raised an eyebrow with a piercing stare, it was like he was staring right into my very sole. He then began to walk closer and closer to me, he was now toe toe and nose to nose with me, everyone stared in awe. I gulped out of fear and then was met by a sopping hand of colourful foam to the face. " UGH ROGER MEDDOWS TAYLOR!" I huffed in annoyance and laughter. He looked at me in fits of laughter and I stopped it by giving him a mouthful of glitter. Freddie thought this was great and joined in along with dave and Brian. This went on for a few minutes until John walked into the room and we all stopped to see a look of shock horror on his timid face at the door.

" um.." Brian said waiting for a reaction, John just stood there completely mortified by our childish behaviour.... That is until Freddie through a bucket of glitter over johns head screaming " YOUVE BEEN ENLIGHTENED!" Resulting in John joining in on the fight.

We continued to ruin the bus until all of us ran out of energy and flopped ourselves down onto the sopping carpet. " well that was fun" I said exhausted, everyone agreed and we all went silent again, " fred?" I asked gaining his attention, and everyone else's " how and why the hell do you have so much glitter?"

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