Chapter 36

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Dad's screaming into his phone the next morning isn't how I wanted to be woken up. I'm assuming he's screaming into the phone, because no one's saying anything back to him. That I can hear. I probably should care a little more than what I'm actually doing, but I don't.

Meanwhile, I'm tangled up with Rory in the bed. He pushed the beds together after our hike. He moves them back into place every morning, and pushes them together every night. Which, I guess isn't that big a deal, because we also slept together for most of spring break, but he pushed the beds together.

He probably sees it as this giant romantical gesture, but it's been two weeks.

Aaaaaaaand I'm over it.

I sit up a little.

He's warm. He's also lying on my arm, and I can't feel my fingers. Rory's open-mouth breathing, his breath hot, smelly hot. His forehead's a little sweaty but he's still really warm. Like a stuffed animal right out of the drier.

I lie back down. He smells a little like B.O., a little of his stupid cologne, and strawberries. Lakewater. The evergreen trees.

I scoot closer.

There's something else, too. It's this kinda light smell that reminds me of him and South Aberford at the same time. It's not like his cologne or anything. It's mostly worn off, but it's...nice. I don't need to get used to it. He smells like something I can only really describe as "Rory".

I kinda squeeze him, just enough to do it but not to wake him up. One leg's already underneath his, so I swing my other up over him.

Something bumps into the back of my knee.

I check three times to make sure what it is. I fucking hate it.

He's hard. Like, hard.

I stop breathing because I don't fucking know what to do.

I kinda bob the back of my knee on it a couple times. Doesn't really bounce, but it really stands its ground. There's a wet patch on the tip of his boxers, which is grossly cold and sticky at the same time. Which makes it all the more confusing to me that I wanna touch it.

"I can do it, right?" I whisper, mostly to myself. "We're...boyfriends. I get a pass to do it."

WOW, he's hard.

Rory yawns like a hippo and kinda scoots himself over a little. He nuzzles the side of my face, smacking his lips. He sighs, then settles again.

It's on my leg.

Also I'm confusingly hard now so...

So what?




I begin rolling away.

Rory turns and wraps his arms around me. "Getting away that quickly?"

"You were awake?" I whisper. I kinda hit him. "You let me bounce your dick with my knee and you did nothing?"

He snorts. Then kinda looks down at me. "You can if you want."

I blink. "Wh – oh."

Rory doesn't say anything.

I don't say anything.

Then he says, "You don't haveta if ya don't wanna."

I still don't say anything. I don't move. I don't wanna go first because it's not really like sliding your hand up a girl's leg while making out with them. There's something there. But I also don't wanna flat-out say "no" because...I mean, I was kinda, playing. With it.

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