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"...so your father and I are going to have to miss next week's call from you, but call us during the week after that, okay?" asks Mom. "Oh, before I forget, and I know you said you didn't want to, but I found some more community college classes in restaurant management for you to consider – "

I delete the voicemail. Without, really, a second thought. I sigh and tilt my head back, it hitting the metal dish racks behind me. She knows I don't want to go to college, so I guess it's more irksome that she's choosing to ignore me. "Whatever," I sigh, opening my calendar so I remember to call them after next week. At least she wasn't super preachy about it this time.

"Jackson." Andie comes around the corner holding a cold sandwich and some chips. They tug off their face mask, sneering at me. "I can't do this alone. We have people."

I nod and put the phone away. "I'm done here. Thanks for covering, Andie."

Andie nods, pulls the mask back over their face, and walks off.

I stroll over to Paige with an empty dish bin and plop it down on the table across from her. "You're gonna be late."

"Its not my fault those assholes keep rescheduling the meeting location," she hisses, her fingers pounding on the keyboard. "And it isn't my fault that HR won't let me investigate it myself. I'm good at reading people, Jackson, you know this!"

"I do," I smirk, picking up her empty plate. "Sandwich good?"

She turns to me and beams. "Always."

"Made the bread this morning myself."

"It was a little dense."

I'm about to snap back at her, but she's smiling. "You fart."

"You've gotten better at it," she says, packing away her things. "Less dense than before."

"I'm going to kill you."

She laughs.

I sigh and stack the dishes, one of the cups toppling over and spilling itself out. "We're still on for Owen and Dan's dinner tonight, right?"

Paige nods. "Yep, I'll meet you – " She slams her hands down on the table and saying, "Oh! Tucker, Carly, and Natalie can make it."

"So everyone – "

"Oh yeah," she grins, holding up her hand.

I don't high-five her because I'm still on shift. And there's a whole thing about "bias" and all that shit that comes with it. But God, do I want to. It's like going to a family reunion, except you actually love everyone. "Nice."

She still pats my shoulder and goes back to packing up. "The last time we were all together like this was before Natalie got her tits."

"Shhhhh," I hiss. "You're in public."

"Just because you're embarrassed doesn't mean you can't be proud, you monster." She smirks.

I sigh, and move to another table, nodding my head. "It has been a good while everyone's been together."

Paige throws in some papers and adds, "Remember to ask Mr. Dyson for the first week of September off, and then November 15th off, too. Harrison's already sent out the RSVPs and I can't cover your ass if you get fired."

"And...wait, what's November 15th?" I ask.

"Everett's book launch," she says. "From what I've read, Seduction and Scales is supposed to top Publishers Weekly's bestseller list." She eyes me, kind of the same way a mom tries to entice her kid.

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