Chapter 20

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this chapter might be triggering to some people, and i want to make sure that everyone reading this stays feeling okay from start to finish. please read with caution, and don't be afraid to reach out to me if you need anything.

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The March Bake Sale, weirdly enough, is exactly what it sounds like. All the clubs set up booths in the gym or outside and sell the same fucking cookies and cakes for their budget. It's treated as extra, so it's basically a way of earning extra money for specialty stuff. The school runs a raffle at the same time and they have some good stuff (like one year, they had a paintball gun) and all the money they make goes to charity.

It's fun.

Julia helps me carry the food from Dad's car to the booth. I lied and told her that I was helping out the geography club, which she thought was "really nice of me".

"But you're okay with coming over to help sometimes?" I ask. "I know the bake sale's fun 'n shit, but if I need help – "

"Ugh, yes," she says, dropping two Tupperware containers worth of brownies on the table.

Harrison smuggled them from Paige's house. We had a whole operation for this fucking shit. We got brownies, cookies, cakes (frosted and not), a thing called "cake pops" that Natalie made, and some leftover space lollipops left over from Valentines Day. Which Paige stole from the Student Council room.

"Why're you so nervous if you're doing it for the geography club?" she asks, opening the first brownie container. We're setting up in the gym because it's supposed to rain later.

"I just wanna be sure," I tell her. "I've never run a booth by myself."

Julia lifts her head, but her eyes stay on me. "Do you have someone to help with numbers?"

I shake my head. "Everything's either a dollar or 5. I think I can handle it."

She smirks and glares at me. "How do you break $20 if someone asks for three brownies?"

...okay, three brownies are...wait, one brownie is a dollar, so three

"You're saying that out loud, you know that, right?" Julia asks, grinning.

I am?

"You are," she snorts, laughing.

Oh. "Oh."

"Please have someone with you," she says, putting her hand on my shoulder. "The line'd move faster if someone was with you here."

I take her hand off me and hold it. "Thanks for the support, Juls."

She kisses my cheek. "Anytime, Jackie." And before I can say anything, she trots away back to the car.

Rolling my eyes, I go back to setting up.

Rory: yo princess
Rory: how's being a grandma?

I smirk only because Rory knows I'm here right now. He's been reminding me about how "socially suicidal" this is, but I don't really care. I wanna do it.

Jackson: Good morning to you too
Jackson: go away i need my stop myself from eating these brookies.

Rory: tf a brookie?
Rory: sounds like a bad porn star name

Jackson: and you say you don't think about porn that much


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