Chapter 23

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Rory sits back on his heels and stares at me. Just stares. Like I've asked him to say something in another language. He scoffs or chuckles or something, and makes this sound like he's holding his breath but he's super confused at the same time. His head dips a little, eyes still on me, and asks, "Y...wait, we haven't seen each other since last summer and...that's what you ask?"

I frown and sniff. And forget I'm bleeding so it's just, like, this giant lugie of a little snot and blood I snort back by accident. "Should I've asked something else?"

He shakes his head, sighing. But I know he's chuckling this time because he makes that kinda breathless chuckle sound. Also, he's smiling a little. "How about 'Good to see ya, man' or 'I missed you, Rory'?"

"Good to see you, man, I missed you, Rory. What're you doing here?" I can hear myself, but it's like my voice's flat. I don't recognize it.

He snorts and stands up. "What a line." He holds out his hand. "Come on. You're bleeding."

I just stare. I wipe my nose. "What're you doing here first."

Rocking back and forth on his heels, Rory sighs. He slides his hands down his sides, and then realizes he doesn't have pants on to put his hands in pockets. He grunts and kind of looks away for a second. "Come up here sometimes."

"To be alone?" I ask.

He looks at me. "...yeah. To be alone."

I stand up. I give myself goosebumps because I rub my arms and they're cold. But even that doesn't make me feel anything. "Sorry for crashing." I've wrecked his spring break alone. Go fucking me.

Rory shakes his head. "I'm glad you're here. If it had to be anyone, I'm glad it's you." He hugs me. And it makes me shiver because he's warm. "I'm..." He scoffs and turns his head away from me. Like I could see his face already. "I'm real fuckin' glad you're here." I can feel his breath. It's shaking. He steps back and smirks. "You, look good." And then leans in towards my face, eyes closing.

I frown. I don't know what's happening. I, just, don't care, either.

Rory hugs me. It's a gentle hug, squeezing me enough to make me feel really, really fucking sad.

My head dips into his shoulder. I just sigh.

He pulls back and stares at me. "Are...are you okay?"

"Why're you really up here?" I ask.

He forces a smile. And then it's gone. Rory swallows hard and takes a step back. "I, uh...told Dad I wanted to take a gap year." He rolls his head. "And I had a...pretty bad falling out with Caleb." Rory runs his hands up his arms. "It's just easier to pretend I'm somewhere else sometimes." He looks at me. "You?"

I look away. "A long ass story."

"...what you were saying yesterday?"

I nod.

Rory frowns, then tries to smile. What he ends up doing is this sad half-smirk. "I got time. I mean," he pauses, force-chuckling, "I...guess we both do. Tell me."

I wave him off and go back for my pizza. "Don't worry 'bout it."

He grabs my wrist. Not hard, but hard enough to stop me. "Jackson, is something wrong? You're not acting like you."

I glare at him. "Let the fuck go of me."

He sighs and lets go of me. "You...Jack, you, you got this, this look like..." He waves his hand in front of his face. "...nothing's there."

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