April Mole's Day

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[Set after Big Chibi 6. Fred sets up a perfect April Fools Day prank, and the perfect chance of revenge on Richardson Mole for banning him from Karmi's book signing. Warning: blood involved.]


Fred got up one bright morning, went down for breakfast.

Fred ripped off the page of the calendar, and saw what day it was: it was the 1st of April, and also, it was his favourite day of the year - April Fools Day!

"NO. WAY." Fred said. "It's April Fools Day!" The one day in the year where he got to actually pull a prank on someone.

Immediately, he remembered when Mole made the loophole that banned him from Karmi's book signing, and decided to pull a prank on him, and, get his revenge at the same time. "Like they say," he said to himself, "'Two birds, meet stone'."


A little later, at KreiTech, Richardson Mole had arrived at KreiTech. Unbeknownst to him, this was done via a prank call by Fred, as part of his April Fools Day prank/revenge plot.

"OK, Fredrickson," Mole said disdainfully, "Whadda ya want?"

"I saw a truck delivering a whole load of comics outside KreiTech, Mole!" Fred said, eagerly. "Look out the window and see for yourself!"

"And," he added, "they're really old rare editions!"

Mole gasped. "Really?!

"Really, really." Fred said.

"This I've gotta see!" Mole said. He ran to the window.

Of course, he didn't know that what Fred said wasn't really true - it was part of his April Fools Day prank/revenge plot.

Fred waited for Mole to lean outta the window.

"I don't see anything." Mole called out, his eyes still focused on the ground outside KreiTech.

"Oh, they're there. Just, just keep looking!" Fred called out.

Then, he snuck up behind Mole, and...

He pushed him right outta the window!

Mole fell and landed with a 'THUMP!', head first, into KreiTech's Dumpster.

"April Fools!" Fred yelled loudly.

Then suddenly, the city heard the most loud scream of anguish; a scream so loud, even Robert Callaghan heard it from the prison showers.

Fred quickly legged it outta the building as fast as his legs would let him.

By this time, Hiro, Baymax, Krei, and Judy had heard the screaming and wailing from another room, and headed to the window to see what had happened: Richardson Mole had fell into KreiTech's dumpster, and bashed his nose hard against the side of it, and it was bleeding, and he was screaming and wailing like a baby.

Krei grimaced at the sight. "I think Mole's in serious pain." Baymax stated.

"Assistant, call the medics!" Krei said to Judy, who wasted no time in heading off to get the phone to dial the hospital. "Intern," Krei said to Hiro, "go get the patient rescued. I'll call his mom and tell her what happened."

"On it." Hiro said, as Krei raced off after Judy.

Hiro went down toward the dumpster to help Mole out, and Baymax followed behind, one step at a time.

"Well, now he knows how I felt." Hiro said to himself as he went, remembering when Stout Jack of the Mad Jacks threw him into a dumpster, causing him to break his leg.


"Grounded?" Hiro said, the next morning at Aunt Cass' cafe.

"Yeah, sorry, guys." Fred said via the videocall. "Turns out Mom found out about me pushing Mole out of a high window of KreiTech, and breaking his nose. Gave me a quadruple-weeker grounding. That's a record, huh?"

"Yeah." Honey Lemon said. "I can't even believe you did such a nasty April Fools Day prank."

"Some April Fools Day prank that was." Wasabi said bluntly.

"Yeah." GoGo said, "Even a idiot like you should know better."

"You certainly made the headlines, though." Hiro said, looking at the front page of the newspaper, with the headline reading, 'APRIL FOUL - Rich Teen Fred Frederickson Shunts Young Arcade Owner out of KreiTech window on April Fool's Day.'

"Well, on the bright side," Fred said, "at least I got revenge on Mole, did I? Serves him right for banning me from Karmi's book signing!"

"If Karmi even found out, i think she'd be totally furious at what you did." Wasabi said.

Hiro suddenly noticed something on his phone. "It turns out she HAD heard about it, and she's made a new fanfiction about it, about how, 'Captain Cutie and his teammates' take on a villain called 'Foul Fool', who makes dangerous pranks all the time."

Wasabi, GoGo, and Honey saw it, and when they read it, they immediately saw something on the cover - the 'Foul Fool' villain had a similar face relation to Fred.

"This 'Foul Fool's face is familiar, isn't it?" Honey Lemon said.

"And I hope 'Captain Cutie' and his team teach Foul Fool that getting even is not the right way to behave against people that bully others." GoGo said, of course, meaning Fred.

Thankfully, Fred would have all of his 'quadruple-weeker grounding' to remember that revenge isn't what heroes do to others, no matter how much they deserve it. Especially if they're evil jerk-face arcade owners who make loopholes to ban you from book signings.


Author's Note:

I think Mole deserved it for how he treated Fred in 'Big Chibi 6', huh?

SPOILER ALERT: Next short is for a friend.


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