Picture the Audience in their Underwear

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[Set during the Series 2 ep 'Fear Not'. Fred tries a stage-fright curing trick to help Wasabi conquer his fear of public speaking. Some nudity.]


Professor Granville had asked Wasabi to sub for an absent teaching assistant in first-year quantum optics. However, Wasabi had a irrational fear of public speaking, which had caused him to freeze up, and stay 6 hours after the class ended every time.

So, in a hope to cure it, he went to Fred's manor and got Fred to help him with curing his fear of public speaking. Which, of course, he knew he was gonna regret doing so.

"And you're absolutely sure it's gonna work, Fred?" Wasabi asked him, whilst standing in Fred's room.

"Sure as the hair on my head is brown." Fred said proudly - of course, he was standing out of Wasabi's view, so Wasabi couldn't see him.

"It is." Wasabi said bluntly.

"Cover your eyes." Fred said. Wasabi did as he was told, then he heard footsteps, which stopped almost as quickly as they came.

"OK." Fred said to Wasabi, "Open your eyes.... NOW!"

Wasabi did, and his jaw hit the floor. There, standing in front of him, was Fred, in nothing but his underwear. "Ta-da." Fred said proudly.

"WHAT. THE. HECK. AM. I. SEEING. RIGHT. NOW?!" Wasabi said, in shock, horror, disgust, fright, and disbelief.

"It's one of Dad's old stage fright tricks." Fred told him. "He says the best way to get over stage fright is to picture the audience in their underwear. It's perfect!"

Baymax, who was with Wasabi, looked at him. "Your heart rate is accelerating. You must be worried."

"I'm feeling more than a little uncomfortable." Wasabi said.

"I know how to fix that." Fred said. "It's something I did to get myself ready before my Bro-Tillion." he added.

He grabbed at his underwear, and then, with one sharp tug...

He ripped them clean off!

"Howzabout you picture the audience is naked!" he said, letting Wasabi see him in all his nude glory.

Wasabi screamed in horror, and bolted out of Fred's room and down the hall, screaming his head off, knocking over and trampling Heathcliff as he ran. Baymax walked by the naked Fred, going to Heathcliff, who was picking himself off the floor. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?" he said to Heathcliff.

Whilst that was going on, Fred grabbed his phone, and used it to film his naked butt whilst dancing, and sent the video clip to Richardson Mole.

Then, he thought up another method to cure Wasabi's fear of public speaking. "Looks like I need to follow my gut to get this to work." he said.

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