Tadashi's Second Visit

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[Set after the Callaghan scene in the Series 2 ep 'Hiro the Villain'. The spirit of Tadashi visits Callaghan after Diego Cruz.]

[FOREWARN: Read 'Robert's Reflection', before you read this short', otherwise you won't know about Tadashi's spirit.]


Robert Callaghan got up, his back turned to Diego Cruz, San Fransokyo's police chief, the man who was interrogating him about Big Hero 6, the ones who defeated him, and saved his daughter, Abigail.

"You're wrong about Big Hero 6." he bitterly said to Diego Cruz, and walked away from him, his back still turned to him.

Diego stared hard at Callaghan, still clutching his phone. Callaghan began to feel hesitant. He half expected Diego to snap at him with another question about Big Hero 6's identities, or even shout at him for his outburst.

Eventually, he seemed to turn his phone off. "I see." Diego said sternly. "Thank you for your cooperation, Robert Callaghan."

He walked away, glancing at Callaghan, who still had his back turned to the police chief. He grunted in displeasure, and walked out of the room. As he left, the door shut behind him.

"That stupid idiot." Callaghan grumpily muttered. It was lucky for him Diego had already gone, otherwise he wouldn't have dared.

""How dare he treat Big Hero 6 as fugitives!" Robert snapped. In a fit of anger, he punched the wall of his solitary confinement cell. It HURT. Callaghan groaned in pain, clutching his hurting hand, fighting back the sting of tears in his eyes.

Robert threw himself onto his prison bed, and turned onto his side in a deep sulk.

Almost immediately, the room grew silent. Then, he saw someone in front of him; the spirit of his late best student, Tadashi Hamada.

"You seem to be upset, Professor Callaghan." Tadashi said to him. "What's troubling you?"

Robert sighed as he sat up. "I don't know if you've heard or not, Tadashi," he said, "but according to recent reports, your brother Hiro, and his friends, as Big Hero 6, the ones who stopped me, saved the lives of Krei, and my daughter Abigail, have recently been branded fugitives."

Tadashi gasped. "It's true." Robert said, nodding. "I heard that a few weeks ago, that they got involved with a evil glob monster on Akuma Island, and Diego Cruz, San Fransokyo's new police chief, has offically declared Big Hero 6 'fugitives'. That, and, the guards showed me the newspaper."

Tadashi's jaw was agape. He couldn't think of anything to say.

"I'm guessing you're shocked at this news as well." Robert said to the spirit of his late best student.

"You guess correctly." Tadashi said to him.

"Diego was in here earlier, trying to get me to tell him about their identities." Robert continued.

Tadashi stared, then he said, "Was he?"

"Yes, yes he was." Robert said. "But I didn't tell him anything." he added bitterly. "I don't do nothing for nobody that heartless."

"I can't believe he called my little brother and his friends fugitives." Tadashi said. "They're only trying to help people, like I would've done."

"That Diego Cruz is a total idiot." Robert snapped. "He says 'Vigilatnes are vigilantes. No city with a skilled police force needs them'. He says it's 'a problem he plans to correct'." Robert's hands formed into shaking fists.

Then, he let his fists relax. "But one thing is for certain;" he added, "If I told him, Hiro, and his friends would never let me hear the end of it. Hiro would be more upset than he is, especially since what happened to you, because of me."

"I understand." Tadashi said to him.

"At least I did a good thing for Big Hero 6; defending their identities, from Chief Cruz." he said, rising to a standing position.

"You did?" Tadashi said to him. Robert nodded.

"I owe them one." he said, looking at the picture of his daughter. "They saved my daughter, Abigail. I cannot thank them enough for that."

"I'll keep doing what I can." he said, turning back to Tadashi, but to his surprise, Tadashi had gone, just as quickly as he had appeared.

Robert Callaghan smiled. He felt a wave of relief splash into his heart; knowing full well that Big Hero 6's identities were still kept a secret.... for the time being.

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