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Author's Note: This contains strong language, sexual situations, and gore. This story is not for those who are too young or cannot handle strong situations. There is a reason why it is PG-13, borderline Mature or R. If you believe you are mature enough to read, then please enjoy! :D 


'Dawn: the beginning of the day, the beginning of something brand new and exciting, the beginning of a different chapter in my life. Dawn, my favorite time of day as it back colors to the night sky.

They said I would never make a friend who cared about me, nor a man who could ever love me. I believed them, until I left that life and moved to another town.

New beginnings. That was what I looked forward to ever since I first stepped into Namimori High School. I thought I would never have a fresh start, and when I finally had one, it all started at the dawn of the day.'

You continued to type with tears rolling down your flushed cheeks. You were nestled in one of the many couches that occupied the patient lounge in the mental institute. Typing about your past proved that you were still incapable of completing any of the psychological exams conducted, resulting in more homework than the rest.

One of the assignments was to dig through your memories, recollecting anything that had to do with Hibari Kyoya, and type them all up in your computer. No one was allowed to see them except for you. It was an exercise to help you establish and structure your life away from him, something you wanted to do for a while now.

You wanted to gain control of your life and the first step was remembering the time you entered Namimori High. You resumed typing, memories flooding in one by one. This time there were no tears.


You held your locks down as the spring air blew at it violently. Along with your messy hair, many scattered leaves lodged themselves into your nest of a hair. It earned you some stares, but you ignored them all as you were focused on arriving to school on time.

You tried to pick them out the closer you got to the school gate, but your nerves inhabilitated your hands, causing your left hand to be unsuccessful with the leaves. Your free hand grasped the strap of your book bag in attempt to calm you nerves which eventually did.

Usually, you weren't ever this nervous; however, after moving to Namimori with your grandpa, everything had been so different. You were so used to the horrible lifestyle that consisted of many school fights and poor behavior enforcement. Basically it was a delinquent haven with the worst of the worst there. It chiseled you to a defensive and confident person-- but also an intimidating figure. You didn't want to be Queen [Name], the terrifying demon of the South. It sounded so corny, stupid, and didn't allow you to make any friends in that city.

Now you can; now you can start over.

You read the nameplate: Namimori High School. "Perfect." You smiled to yourself as you began to walk in. As you tried to pass, you noticed all the students chatting away with each other in their groups. You waltzed in, watching how happy and uninhibited the students were. It was like a breath of fresh air, a complete change from your old school.

Three steps in and someone yanked your sleeve, "Herbivore, your skirt is too short."

You stared straight at the boy's glare, a frown permanently plastered on his face. He didn't look approachable nor generous, just like the people from your old school. The only difference was that he actually cared about the school rules. "That's adorable. They actually enforce the rules here!..But where did you get that I was vegetarian?"

The men in the same uniforms paused their inspections to stare at you, and one in particular had his mouth wide open. You began to feel subconscious at the stares and the long pause of silence. Did you mess up? Quick! What would a normal high schooler do? You recalled the various amounts of DVD's your grandfather bought to help you fit in. You analyzed the many cute actions and personalities of the multiple female characters, storing them in your brain for future reference.

Now was the perfect time to use them. "Uh.. Ahhhhh no, don't look at my legs, pervert!" You tried to cover your bare legs with a fake high pitched voice. 'Nailed it!' All female high schoolers acted cute in the movies; that was the norm!


"Ow! What the--"

"Get a longer skirt then, herbivore," the man scoffed, "Now get to class."

His commanding tone irked you which made your defensive attitude kick in. "HEY! I'M NOT VEGETARIAN, ASSHOLE!"


"Get to class," he snarled, ready to attack you again.

You rubbed your sore arm with a frown. Before you could fight back, another man stepped in (probably one of his lackeys). "It's just best if you get to class."

You grit your teeth before you said anything else, noticing the gazes of the other students. Cursing under your breath, you stormed off, angry that this guy ruined your brand new future.



Little did you know that he was your future.

〔Dawning Memories〕[Hibari Kyoya] (KHR)Where stories live. Discover now