Chapter 38

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You wore an incredulous look as you stared at the plush pillow before you. "Thank you?"

The two men before you chuckled at your confusion, but it was Yamamoto who spoke up. "It's a pillow pet in the shape of Hibird!" he exclaimed, pushing the fluffy goodness into your uninviting arms.

The corner of your lip twitched. "Is this a joke?" You tried handing the present back, but they refused to take it. With a huff, you continued to explain, "Hibird doesn't like me, nor do I like him." 

"Aren't you that guy's girlfriend?" Gokudera questioned with an annoyed tone. Who could blame him? They most definitely went out of their ways to have the pillow pet customized to look like Hibird, hoping to please you with the gesture. In his eyes, you were coming off as ungrateful for their thoughtful present, and it was clearly pissing the bomber off.

Though as you thought back to the times that Hibird had bullied you, you held no remorse in rejecting the present. "Just because I love Kyoya doesn't mean I have to like his stupid pets too," you icily replied.

The air became tensed. Gokudera was holding in his outburst as best as he could, probably by Tsuna's orders, while Yamamoto took in the situation with a smile. Although some might think him to be severely dense, he always knew how to dissipate the tension. In this case, it was changing the subject.

"Well, you're going to need it since you're going on a trip!" he announced as he ruffled your hair. Luckily for him, you had just woken up, not having the time to brush your bedhead. If it were brushed, you would have slapped the shit out of the baseball freak.

"A trip to where?" you gasped, clearly forgetting the fact that a fake Hibird was in your arms.

"Sicily," Tsuna answered as he walked into your room along with Kyoya, whom was glaring at the amount of people inside. "Hibari said you need a vacation--"

"Kyoya said that?" you tilted your head to the side in confusion, "but I have only been working for six months."

"Don't doubt the man!" Gokudera sputtered.

Something suspicious was going on, especially if the hot-headed Gokudera was defending Kyoya. Another thing that was suspicious was that THE Hibari Kyoya was suggesting or demanding that you took a break. The man worked 24/7, and vacations were never in the picture; Kyoya never wasted his time with things called 'vacations'.

However, you were slightly sleep deprived due to the amount of work Tsuna and Reborn had been giving you. Since the Ninth was going to step down from his position, Tsuna was going through preparations for the inauguration as Vongola Tenth in two months. You had been traveling by his side all these months, that there were hardly any breaks. Maybe a vacation was in order?

"....So when am I going?"

"The both of you are heading out today, and don't worry, the trip is on me," Tsuna warmly smiled.

〔Dawning Memories〕[Hibari Kyoya] (KHR)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ