Chapter 4

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"Two months and I'm doing great!" you mentioned to your grandpa as the both of you ate at a local restaurant. "I have a great group of friends. There's Tsuna who's so sweet like a cupcake, Gokudera who's hotheaded like a spicy taco, Yamamoto who's so laid back and optimistic like a--"

"I understand. Your friends are all food items," your grandpa chuckled as he picked at his meal.

You had many dishes in front of you, all to which belonged solely to you. "Ha ha, very funny... But I finally made good friends that'll last me."

"Don't compare your friends like your parents and acquaintances from your old school," he pointed his chop sticks at you, "I know that you've been abandoned a lot, but if you search hard enough, you'll find what you're looking for."

"I think I found it..." There was a hopeful tone in your voice.

"Then try to keep them. I don't want you to be lonely again."

"I'm never lonely, I have you, grandpa," you laughed as if it were obvious.

"So, any boys?" His lighthearted tone turned into a was serious one, but you didn't notice as you were consumed with the food in front of you.

"A lot of my friends are boys," you shrugged, stuffing your face with food, "Why?"

"Any boys?" he reiterated, a stern look in his face.

You chewed frantically and swallowed in order to answer him. "If you mean romantically, no. If I ever have a boyfriend, I would introduce him to you."

"Well, the dance for your school is coming up, and it says you need a date," he stated, "our neighbors were talking about it."

"I wanna go," you frowned.

"Then ask a young man.... or wait for a young man to ask," your grandpa advised.

"Do you think anyone will ask me?" you worriedly replied.

"Not with the way you're eating," he smiled, "and you haven't been in any fights recently, so how are you burning all those calories."

Your jaw dropped in realization. "Crap. Crap. You're right! I'm getting fat. I won't fit in my dresses."

"It's weeks from now, so start exercising and searching for a young man."


"Sooooo, do you have a date to the dance?" you randomly asked Tsuna during the homeroom break.

"W-what? Are you asking me to it?"

"Sort of," you shrugged, "I just want to go since I've never been to a dance before."

"You haven't done a lot of stuff," Tsuna noticed.

"Yeah, which is why I'm trying to take on any opportunity sent my way. Now, back to the question, are you going with someone?"

"I... already have someone I'm going with," he smiled apologetically.

"Haru basically forced herself," Gokudera grit his teeth.

"Do you want to go with me then?" you sighed.

"No. My sister is going," he huffed in anger, "She'll run off and leave me alone so I can protect him."

"Damn," you clicked your tongue, "What about you, Yamamoto?"

"I already have a date," he grinned, "some random girl asked me."


"He's taking his girlfriend," Tsuna added.

"What about your blonde friend?.. Dino?"

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