Chapter 12

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Ever since your first day as a second year, you always felt the multiple (unwanted) stares from your classmates, but you couldn't exactly tell why. It was a mystery as to what you did to receive them, and your curiosity was eating at you. You weren't scared to confront them, but you wanted to make new friends in this environment. The only problem was that one particular comment that was whispered made you livid and forget about your peaceful self.

"Don't give her the cleaning duty. She'll tell her boyfriend and he'll bite us to death."

"WHAT?" you yelled in the middle of your last class. It was far into the afternoon, making you more aggressive than usual. "YOU THINK I'M WITH HIBARI?"

Kyoko, who sat in front of you, held your arm down as you were about to swing at the guy next to you. "Calm down please."


"Miss [L/N], to the office, NOW!"




"Morning detention for the following reasons: Disruption of class, foul language, hostile nature towards a student, attempt to attack another student, and laying a hand on another student," Kusakabe read out loud to you and your teacher.

Hibari sat in his usual desk as all four of you sat in the Disciplinary Office. He listened to it with his eyes closed, though he wore a smirk on his face. He looked amused that you already paid him a visit so early in the school year, but at the same time he seemed annoyed with the amount of people in his office.

"That sounds about right," you sighed.

"I hope you think about how you've acted," your teacher reprimanded as he smacked the top of your head with his clipboard.

"Ouch," you muttered lowly, though it was heard by a certain Namimori demon.

"Leave," Hibari murderously growled. You whipped your head to glance at Hibari, ready to endure his wrath, however, he had directed his fury at your teacher. "Now."

"O-of course," he stuttered as he bowed and left.

You were surprised at the way a grown man acted around Hibari, whom was still an under aged brat. "Why was he so scared of you?"

"All the teachers are," Kusakabe answered for him, "but they know what he does is all for the school."

"Yeah.. So about that punishment then," you smiled sweetly, "want to pull some springs for me and just let me off the hook. It wasn't even my fault."

"What happened?" Kusakabe chuckled.

"That idiot said that I was Hibari's girlfriend. How preposterous is that? Only a stupid person would think that," you scoffed, crossing your legs with a bored look on your face.

Kusakabe let out a fake laugh, not knowing how to react. Hibari, on the other hand, wasn't amused by your statement. "Morning detention for all this week."

"What? Why?" you gasped, resulting in a sharp intake of your saliva and bringing you into a coughing fit.

"My word is law," he declared, "now get out."


'Day 1 of my captivity in this office.

Although my sentence only lasts from 07:00- 08:00, it is such cruel punishment.'

"I hope you're writing your reflection paper," your teacher called out from his desk. You frowned at your predicament since you were forced to sit in the front seat of the row. It was awkward being alone in a room with him--- Oh wait, Hibari wanted to oversee this morning detention for unknown reasons.

You took a peak over your shoulder to see him resting in a desk all the way in the back of the room. Something was weird. You were a minute late and he left you with a warning... didn't even bother hitting you. He was also extremely attentive, snapping his eyes open whenever your teacher would call your name.

"Of course I am," you innocently replied, "who do I turn this into?"

"The garbage," your teacher dryly replied as he went back to paperwork.

You sighed and returned to your paper, 'I'm in a room full of assholes and I cannot leave until that golden clock hand land on the awaited number 8. Why must I suffer this damn--'

Your head made a 'thump' against the wooden desk as you fell asleep on top of your paper. You just couldn't keep up so early in the morning and knocked out in front of the two people you didn't want to upset.


"Another week? Can we make them after school ones then?" you pleaded.

"No," Hibari rejected, "come to my office tomorrow in the morning."

"Instead of that classroom?"

"Don't make me repeat myself," he warned.

"Fine, fine," you groaned, leaving his office, "see you early in the morning, Kyoya."

There was a long pause, "What did you call me?"

"I just thought that if we were going to meet up so much, we might as well be on a first name basis," you explained, "you're not fine with that?

He analyzed you, checking to see if you were up to no good, but your worried face said otherwise. He just did a low growl and turned to look out the window. It was your cue to leave his office, and you also took that as a green light to call him that.

As you left, you didn't notice the light pink dust that stained his cheeks, though it was very minimal and couldn't be noticed unless you used a microscope.

But it was there.

And it was caused by you.

〔Dawning Memories〕[Hibari Kyoya] (KHR)Where stories live. Discover now