Chapter 26

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"Gokudera," you gasped as you worriedly stared at the boy. You then turned your gaze to the dangerous man. Thanks to Mr. Smooch-A-Lot (his nickname before you found out he was a traitorous asshole who wants to kill your friends) the both of you were placed in a dangerous situation with him pointing his gun at Gokudera. You cautiously watched the man as his line of vision was directed only at the bomber, ignoring you in the process.

Gokudera cursed lowly under his breath as he held onto his dynamites tightly. As much as hated being at a disadvantage and wanted to turn the tables, he didn't do a thing and eagerly awaited the man's next move. It continued on like this for what you felt like centuries, though in reality it was only a few seconds.

It seemed that the unspoken obedience the gun held on you two wasn't enough for the man, signaled by his growl in annoyance. "Hands up!"

Gokudera did as told, though you knew he was devising some sort of plan in his brain. You just stood there watching and waiting for some type of opening. As your finger carefully extended forward to reach for the nearest desk, you heard footsteps running in the classroom's direction. The man continued to hold Gokudera at gunpoint, but you both knew that he would instantly change his line of fire once the person heading over here revealed themselves.

You heart stopped when you saw who it was. The moment Tsuna turned his head to look at you guys during his run, he caught wind of the situation. The man smirked, changing the direction of the gun slightly as it pointed both at Tsuna and Gokudera. Your defensive instincts kicked in the moment all of his attention reared off of you. Before he pulled the trigger, you swiftly grabbed the desk with ease and threw it at him as if it was a frisbee, aiming for his head. The wooden face of the desk crashed into his skull, causing him to drop his pistol as his body flew against the wall due to the impact.

You had learned in Junior High that a fight wasn't over until the enemy was down, no matter how grave their injury was. It was a habit that inhibited you to grab the corresponding chair to the desk and beam it at him with sheer force. The man stumbled until he collapsed onto the floor, allowing Gokudera and Tsuna to swoop in and tie any loose ends.

Reborn jumped onto your shoulder to inspect the damage."Excellent work. You were able to protect Tsuna and Gokudera." Reborn patted your head, and you sighed with relief.

"Thanks, though Gokudera totally saved me before that," you pointed out as you sank in the nearest chair, "I don't know how you guys deal with shit like this all the time."

"Well, you're particularly good at dealing with it," Reborn smirked.

"I told you she should be a weight lifter," Gokudera muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets. You could tell it was the closest 'thank you' you were going to get from Gokudera, and you accepted it with a hearty laugh.

"Do you want to call Hibari and let him know what happened?" Tsuna suggested as he walked up to you. His eyes wandered around your form, assessing if there were any injuries that needed tending to. Thankfully, the cuts on your legs were all dried up and didn't look like they needed stitching, just the good old-fashioned 'time heals wounds' method.

"Should I tell Kyoya?" you thought out loud, "He's still in Italy and I don't want him to get mad."

"Mad?" Tsuna asked, "don't you mean worried?"

"Uh, I don't know if he can ever get worried. Plus, he warned me when he left not to be stupid and get in trouble."

"That's sounds worried," Reborn chimed in.

"Don't get my hopes up," you scoffed as your eyes scanned the entire area. There were broken walls and windows, blood on the floor, a desk and chair that needed repairs- the list goes on. "Now, how do we clean up this mess?"

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