Chapter 18

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While the both of you relaxed on the couch, you stared at your phone as Lambo cuddled your torso. He was knocked out with a bubble coming out of his nose, and you were wide awake and texting Kyoko and Haru in separate conversations. Both had the same dilemma, and as a neutral member, you were in the middle.

They both wanted to ask Tsuna to the dance, but were afraid that it might make things awkward between them two, so they both asked random guys from their classes to make him jealous. It was funny that they thought the same thing and executed their worries in the same fashion. The two of them didn't want to hurt the other if they asked Tsuna, so they opted not to. Now everyone had dates but you... and Tsuna didn't either.

Before you texted him, you told them of your situation with Hibari not wanting to go, to which they understood and each gave their blessings to take Tsuna if he accepted. They knew that you didn't have eyes for the boy, so it was purely friendship which led you to text Tsuna.

'Hibari canceled.. Would you go with me to the dance? :)'

Pressing send, you watched the bubble pop up with the text already sent. Now all you had to do was wait for his answer. Sighing, you ran your fingers through Lambo's hair and noticed a black hole in it. You felt stashes of candy, weapons, and things you couldn't identify. You stopped touching the random items when you felt a large substance. You pulled it out, noticing that it was a huge purple bazooka.

"What the hell is this?" you continued to look at it, analyzing the small sticker on it, "10 year bazooka? Huh, must be one of his toys.."

You wondered what would happen if you clicked the handle with the mouth facing your face. "Hmm.." You clicked it, creating a loud noise and a bunch of smoke to fly everywhere. It startled you, and you felt your body floating, shivers going down your spine. You closed your eyes as the bright lights were too much for you. When you noticed the lights weren't as bright anymore, you opened your eyes once again.

"Where am I?" you attempted to stand. You felt a bit dizzy, but you shook that off as you analyzed your surroundings. You were on a king-sized bed with purple comforters, blankets, and pillow cases. The room was vast and provided an ample amount of lighting, due to the many windows that allowed the natural daylight to seep through. The decorations and pictures all over the walls and furniture were unknown to you and made you confused. "This isn't my room."

A knock on the door drew your attention to it as a strange man walked in with three children in his arms. "[Name], they wanted to see you since they haven't all d--"

You noticed that the guy looked very familiar and had an aura just like..."Is that you Lambo?"

"Oh damn..The bazooka got you," he sighed as he let the children escape his hold. They were practically struggling to escape and when they did, they made a B-line to your bed as if it were a race amongst them.

They were cute as the three of them tried to climb the mountain that was called your bed, but when they finally reached the top, they attacked you with a ferocious hug. They didn't bother to look at your face as they hugged your neck and torso while giggling.

"Are these my kids? What's happening?" you whispered to Lambo.

"You traveled 10 years into the future thanks to that bazooka," he nervously smiled, "you're 26 in this time period."

You gazed down at the kids, "Wow, 3 kids at 26? Who the hell have I been getting it on with to have these many kids? I've only wanted one kid at most!"

"Haha well I guess that didn't go as planned," Lambo nervously laughed, placing his hands on his hips, "triplets aren't necessarily planned."

"Wow, triplets," you were amazed, "at least, you're still in my life."

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