26 || Interrogation

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The interview is going well. Two detectives came into the interrogation room to try and ask questions. Detectives Ross and Bianca were desperate to try and link me to the crime. I can only assume they were working on my case since the beginning.

Detective Ross is one of the plainest-looking guys I have ever seen. Short brown hair and brown eyes with no distinguishable features. Clean-shaven and no tan to his light complexion and normal build. Even his voice just screams boring and uninteresting. He is stern and has fury in his eyes. I have no doubts that his professionalism is the only thing keeping him from beating me to a pulp. Hands slam the table when he is frustrated with my silence. Detective Bianca, on the other hand, is my preference of the two. Short and spunky brown hair with hazel eyes. She has her ears pierced and I catch the occasional glimpse of a tongue piercing. I see a tattoo poking out of the neckline of her uniform on her tanned skin. Badass and probably rides a motorcycle. Whenever she speaks, she is calm and collected. Her eyes pierce through me and intimidate me into thinking about speaking. Usually, she just stares from the other side of the room while Ross speaks. I respect her.

The interrogation room is bare. There is what I can safely assume is a two-way mirror along the wall in front of me. I am handcuffed to a sturdy wooden table. Detective Ross sits across from me with papers in front of him. Mostly notes and photographs of the crime scenes and the victims. the walls are a dingy grey with a matching door to my left.

"We matched your fingerprints to the ones at the crime scenes of the Moore family." Detective Ross sits down in a chair across from me. I try my best to keep a blank expression. On the inside, I panic slightly.

I have no idea how long it will take Toby and the rest of them to come for me. No doubt they will have to collect information and come up with a plan. Based on how long it takes to stake out a house to rob and kill the residents, it could take a while. And the longer I am here, the more they build a case against me. But all they need is for me to admit that I am guilty. Which I will never do.

I hold my faith that Toby will come back for me. He will bring some others with him to try and take me back. EJ might not give a shit, but I know Clockwork and a few others who may want to help. Even if it takes a year, I will stay strong. The world is unpredictable, and things I thought impossible are real. So I know for a fact that Toby will come back.

"An officer saw you holding an axe. Can we assume that is the murder weapon?" Ross continues questioning while Bianca leaves the room after checking her watch. My eyes follow her as she leaves. Another detective is waiting there for her. Ross looks out as well. "Your family is here. We wanted to ask them a few questions. They have cooperated quite well. But they don't think you did it, despite all evidence saying otherwise."

I suppress the urge to show emotion. Biting my tongue, I try to convert my surprise into a dirty look aimed at Ross.

"Now, here's my theory. You met a guy who convinced you to run away and kill Christine. You planned to run away at a time that she would see you and follow after you. After that, you killed the Moore family together. And probably that lead to you two killing Diane Kingston and robbing her house so you two could run away together. But that wasn't enough, so you went over to the  Williams family and decided to kill them and rob them too. And I am guessing that guy, your partner in crime, is Ticci Toby. Now, tell me, does that sound about right?"

I smirk, knowing he is way off with this. There are a few facts, but the rest is bullshit. If my hands were not handcuffed to this table, I would cross them and lean back in my seat. Or do any sort of power pose. Let him know I will not back down to him. Anything to knock his ego down.

"Then tell me what happened. Am I wrong? Because I know you have a connection to Ticci Toby, if not a few other serial killers suspected to be in the area. Several other houses were victimized, but I think you knew that already. Cooperating with us could get you a more lenient sentence."

This guy could not be more stupid. His theory is wrong, for one. But he also thinks that snitching is a good idea. I could get killed in prison for that if anyone ever found out. Not to mention that I am never going to give up any information about anyone else. The temptation to talk back and ridicule him is almost overwhelming. But once I break my silence, it will be difficult to stop.

"You look amused. So if I'm so wrong, then why don't you tell me what happened? Why are you doing this? Because we have all the evidence we need to lock you away for several life sentences without parole." Ross slides over a piece of paper and a pen. It reminds me of when I used to talk to Toby that way.

I only stare at the detective. If only one could kill someone just by looking at them. Ross would be dead several times over. I swat the pen away from me. It rolls across the table and falls to the floor. I smirk, giving Ross a satisfied look.

The interrogation gets nowhere. I say nothing and manage to waste the time of two detectives. I will be placed under custody. But that gives Toby a chance to rescue me. In the meantime, a defence attorney will be provided to me. The best I can do is delay going to jail as long as I can.

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