29 || Trial

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April 22nd. And no one has come for me.

At this point, I have given up on being rescued. Toby and the others have probably left me to rot in a jail cell for the rest of my life. I hate myself for ever thinking that I meant something to Toby. That I could be more than a killer in this lifetime. I can only hope that my next life isn't as useless as the rest of mine will be.

I enter the room with the judge, jury, and witnesses all watching me. Scanning the room, I see a few familiar faces. First, the Kingston family, including my ex. Their glare sends a shiver down my spine. Then, my own family. Instead of hatred, my parents look sad. In the far back corner sits a reporter. She looks familiar. I just don't know from where. She has long brown hair and pale green eyes with dark circles underneath. We lock eyes and she winks. I turn away from the strange lady and start to focus.

The room looks like a typical courtroom. Brown wooden stands and pews, beige walls and a dark coloured carpet. My attorney sits on the left side of the room. Once the police officers drop me off at my table, they stand at the side. I wear the same prisoner's uniform and handcuffs. Not even the chance to dress up for my own ultimate downfall.

Once I am sworn in, the trial starts.


"We, the jury, find (Y/n) (L/n) guilty on all charges." A jury member sits back in their seat.

I bow my head, tears starting to prick at my eyes. My hair falls in front of my face, shielding me from the rest of the room.

Few people cheer, and I hear the familiar sob of my mother. I see the flashes of cameras capturing my shame. Murmurs in the crowd grow. The noise is almost unbearable. Deep inside of me, a paranoid feeling grows. It tugs at my brain, causing a dull throb. My leg begins to shake and the rest of my body trembles. I can't stop myself from fidgeting in my seat.

The judge bangs her gavel, ordering silence in the court. Voices cut out and the laughter is stifled. The quiet occasional sniffle breaks through the crowd.

Despite the silence, my nerves do not ease. It only grows, unbearably so. My attorney quietly asks if I am okay. I want to shout that I am most definitely not okay. There was evidence I never even thought that they could have had. They found hair and fibres at several crime scenes. My blood was even linked to every crime. Not to mention several people in my old life had testified and gave enough evidence to convince the jury I had no alibi. Our plan was perfectly countered. Even my own family had to testify against me. I never stood a chance. First, Toby left me; now I have to go to prison for life. Hatred boils inside of me. My fists curl until my knuckles are white. The shaking stops, paranoia leaving my body. My mind starts to enter survival mode as it had before. Possibilities of escape start to fill my brain. Chances of overpowering the officers are calculated. But before I can act...

the power cuts out.

The room is pitch black. Not even the emergency lights turn on. I snap my head up and try to look around. People gasp and start to murmur. The judge's thundering voice calls out to stay calm. Quick footprints move towards me. Two beams of light cut through the darkness and land on me. The two officers move in as one flashlight scours over the crowd. If I am going to do this, it has to be now.

The strange woman from before is in the spotlight running towards me. She lets out a war cry and I instantly recognize her voice. In a split second, I leap up from my chair and run towards her. The officers shout to grab me, one calling for backup over a radio. The door bursts open, the hallway as dark as the rest of the room. I see two figures holding long objects and we run towards them. Zero grabs my hand and we run out into the hall. The other two slam the doors behind us.

I blindly follow Zero as she keeps a tight grip on my hand. Something gets handed to me. I feel a familiar wooden handle with a weight on one end. My axe. We turn corners and navigate through the halls. Heavy footsteps follow us and shine flashlights on our backs. I have no idea where we are going, following the other two people as they lead Zero and I. My eyes begin to adjust as we approach a metal door. There is an emergency exit sign above with no power lighting it.

Crashing through the door, we meet up with two other people. Sunlight shines into my eyes and I pull my hands up to shield the rays from hurting my eyes. In addition to Zero, Jeff, BEN, Clockwork, and finally, Toby have their weapons ready in their hands and start to run away.

In the parking lot, I follow the others as Toby leads us. We maneuver through parked cars and stop at a parked black van that is already running. Toby slides the side door open and everyone clambers inside. The door slams shut behind us and locks. Looking to the driver's seat, I see Clockwork put the van into drive and speed away.

I lay my back against the side of the van and breathe deeply. All the while I was in holding for my trial, I stopped working out. Three weeks after my preliminary hearing I gave up on being rescued. All hope was lost. No point in being in good shape to run away when I doubted that I would be needing to anyway.

It feels like a heavy weight was lifted off of my chest. Toby really did come back for me. He kept his word; that he would protect me and come back for me. While I began to hate him thinking he abandoned me. I am relieved to know that he still cares about me. And I still care about him.

"When we stop, you have to be ready to run. Follow me and don't look back. Okay?" Toby looks straight into my eyes. He pulls his goggles off and I can finally see those beautiful eyes of his again. They wrinkle at the sides, filled with joy as he smiles underneath his mouthguard.

"Okay." I nod my head, barely able to contain my own smile. Toby takes out a key and reaches his hand out. He unlocks my handcuffs. I rub my wrists where the cuffs were rubbing against my skin.

"Good to see you again."

"Good to be back."

Let Me In || Ticci Toby x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora