27 || Holding

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The clothes I wear are exceptionally hideous. The orange colour is physically impossible to look good on anyone. They are decently baggy, looking similar to scrubs worn by nurses. In fact, I have a feeling scrubs and prison garb are almost identical. It is soft and I am glad to have something warm to wear. All I am saying is that such disgusting clothes that are a crime against fashion should not be legally allowed. Sexy prisoner Halloween costumes would be better suited for keeping any sense of dignity. Though I suppose no one cares about a prisoner's dignity.

My cell is basic, like all other cells arrested delinquents in custody are in. Bland cream walls stretch around me, the boring colour matching the roof and floor. A bright blue door and mattress are the only things giving life to the room. The mattress sits on a solid ledge with a barred window behind it. Thick glass makes it near impossible to look outside, distorted images are the only things visible.

Never before have I been so bored. I am not even in an actual prison. Just waiting in custody before my preliminary hearing. My case is high profile due to the nature of it. I guess that is fancy law speak for 'we want to put you behind bars as fast as we can'. Though I can imagine where they are coming from. Back before all this crazy stuff happened, I wanted murderers to be caught and thrown in prison as soon as possible. People like I am now put society in danger and make people fear for their lives. But the least they could do is give me something to do. Other than work with my attorney.

I have been supplied a defence attorney by some legal aid program. They have been working with me on building a case that I am not guilty. At least waive a few charges or lighten my sentence. Apparently, if you refuse to cooperate and don't tell your lawyer the whole truth, it is very difficult for them. Like I care. Toby will rescue me soon enough.

I cannot tell my lawyer the whole truth anyway. He does not need to know anything about Toby and the others. Besides, I cannot mention anything that might put them in danger or turn the case against me. And if anyone thinks that I may be broken out of jail then extra security measures will be put in place. That will only make things more difficult for Toby when he does come to get me. Court dates may be pushed ahead, and I need to delay things as much as I can.

I have no idea if there even is a plan to get me out of here. For all I know Toby could abandon me. He could have been putting on an act the whole time. But I do know that is just my insecurities talking. I choose to have hope for him. And I will not give up. There has to be a plan. I have proven my loyalty. Besides, Toby promised me he would protect me and that he would come for me. So I will do anything I can to help them out. While I may be clueless about rescue plans and breaking someone out of prison, I can imagine it would be a lot more difficult if they are in prison compared to just being held in custody.

My defence attorney is some guy named David Rodrigeuz. He reminds me of Gomez from the Addams Family Values, except for the personality. This lookalike is pretty serious and is constantly exhausted. All he wants is for me to cooperate more so his job is a little easier. He is a damned good lawyer though. And has a sense of humour that makes it impossible to hate him. When I asked about how Morticia was doing after seeing his wedding band, he laughed and said 'Good one, don't get that one often'.

At one meeting we were discussing how I could avoid some charges. Though I need to know what evidence there is. Fingerprints at the Moore crime scene connect me to that crime. Chances are there are footprints matching my boots as well. I mentioned that I was alone and had no accomplice. There may be footprints matching Toby, but there is no hard evidence of who those footprints may belong to. It does make me wonder what happened to the hedge cutter I used as a murder weapon. That could potentially hurt me.

I have no clue what evidence there may be for the rest of the murders. Hair and fibre evidence is likely, yet I have suspicions that there is no DNA evidence. I wore gloves so fingerprints are off the table. And it is common practice for the household to take their shoes off to prevent tracking prints throughout the house. Everyone is very careful to blend in our tracks with others outside as well. There is no murder weapon, only what they suspect was used.

I have no alibi but can deflect that I did any actual killing. The prosecutor's side will say that others were suspected of involvement, so I can use that to say I never did any actual killing. Even with Christine, I have my doubts that there is any good evidence that I was there. I just have to tread carefully to not accidentally admit that other people were there and give away their identities or confirm any theories.

The rest of my meetings have been building off of all that. David, I'm sure, dreads working with me. Talking to him has proven to be my best chance at delaying things. So while I do speak, I add in my fair share of sassy remarks. One of my best was saying 'You're the professional, you fill in the blanks. I said what I said and will not be giving any more information'. That earned me a satisfying sigh from David as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He did try to explain to me that telling him the truth will not get me in trouble, that he is on my side. I only scoffed and blew him off.

Other than my meetings, I have nothing else to do. My time is spent waiting. Waiting for my hearing. Waiting for Toby to come rescue me. Waiting for something to happen. I try to imagine what it will be like when Toby does come. Maybe a witty exchange, or possibly a more romantic route. I could be swept off my feet like a damsel in distress. Realistically, it will just be a lot of running. Creating all these fake scenarios in my head just makes the time more bearable. It fills me with the hope that Toby is doing everything he can to get me out, he just needs to wait for the right time. And when I think of how good it will feel to kiss him again, I feel butterflies. I get all flustered thinking about all the kisses we shared before.

Please, Toby, come get me.

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