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My head throbs. It hurts to move. I open my eyes slowly. To my despair, I am back in the god forsaken room.

I groan and turn onto my side and rest my head against the wall. What happened to me? Why did I do that? I can barely remember anything. Just that I tried to kill other people. And my kidnapper caught me again.

A knock at the door startles me. She must want to talk to me, and I bet she's pissed.

"Hey, you awake in there?" A man's voice asks. Were there two people involved? Some Bonnie and Clyde type of shit?

I sit up and look at the door. The stand has been moved back to its original spot. And the window has been closed and the sheets back on the bed. This time, the window looks sealed shut with some type of glue. He could come in if he wanted to. It's odd they didn't just barge in.

"Hello? I know you're awake. That chloroform dosage doesn't last too long. Hello?" The man knocks again. There is a slight stutter to his voice.

Out of fear of them entering, I run to the door and knock on it. These guys living here are kidnappers. Who knows what kind of tricks they have up their sleeves. I can not trust them. I can not open the door until I know for a fact that they won't kill me.

"At least I got a response. But I need to tell you some important information, wanna open up or no?"

I knock once again. Hoping he'll get that this door will remain shut for the unseeable future.

"Uhh, okay? I guess it can stay closed for now. But you're going to have to open it up sometime. The head of the house is going to talk to you sometime today. But I guess I should tell you what's going on. It's early morning, you were out the entire night. But good news, you were in the evening news. I'm letting you take the credit for the family. But I did have to make sure the family was dead. And not to mention I had to kill the kid. But that'll be our little secret.

"Also, there's an extra blanket in the closet I put in there for you. It's supposed to get cold tonight. And if you need anything else you can come to me. I'm the one with a hooded shirt and brown hair. Got it?"

I knock twice in response. Maybe I can establish a way of communication without the need for my voice. The less they know about me, the better. The man chuckles on the other side of the door.

"I'll take that as a yes. See you later, I guess."

I hear footsteps from the other side of the door. He must be gone. I open the closet. True to his word, there is a plaid blanket neatly folded in the corner. I take it and wrap it around me. It is warm and fuzzy. Something comforting in this time of anxiety. Now to wait. For what? Just something, I guess. Maybe the head of the house that man was talking about. I sit with my back against the door, feeling completely helpless.

I watch the sun set from my spot against the door. The pinks and oranges paint the ceiling, and the deep blue of the oncoming night slowly painting over it. I feel myself nodding off. A knock on the door clears the thought of sleep from my mind.

"You have no choice but to open," a deep voice seemingly resonates in my mind. Could it even be called a voice? It is almost as if the words bypass my ears and go right to my brain. It's chilling, to say the least.

A feeling of dread grabs my hand and turns the handle. The door slowly creaks open. On the other side is a faceless being, taller than the doorframe and having to bend over to avoid hitting the ceiling. He wears a crisp and clean suit. My jaw drops, and I want to scream but my voice fails to form anything but a small croak. The sight before me seems so oddly familiar.

"Hello. I heard you refuse to speak?"

I nod, looking to the floor. I can not bring myself to look to the strange being.

"That's okay, for now at least. But there are some things we must discuss. You must be aware that I - rather, my proxy and I - have been stalking you for a while now?"

I nod.

"Well, the plan was to drive you to the brink of insanity. It was successful. We were eager to see what you would do. My proxy took a special interest in you. We were planning on your death. But you killed your friend and proved yourself to be quite the anomaly. The decision to bring you with us was rash, and I hope you won't prove it a bad one. So far it appears to be going well. Do you understand what I am saying?"

I nod. I'm going to have kidnap and kill people, aren't I? If I don't want to be killed, that is.

"But before I leave, you will not get away with the stunt you pulled yesterday. Do not try to escape. Even one more attempt will lead to your demise. Understood?"

I nod. The menacing tone his voice takes makes me flinch.

"Good. For that, you get laundry duty for a month. But before I leave I need to ask, do you wish to become a proxy of mine? You can choose if you want to be my proxy, or be your own killer."

I shake my head. There is no way I will willingly let this monster have any control of my life.

"Then I'll leave you to it. I'll have everyone leave their clothes in a basket outside their doors. Find where everything is for yourself."

In the blink of an eye, the monster disappears. No mention of his name or what he even is. The only reason for thinking of him as a man is because of his deep voice and stature. I close the door again in a haste.

At least things make more sense now. I have been stalked, so I am not crazy. And I know who brought me here, who I saw in the woods as I was nearly dying. But the exchange leaves me unsettled still. I was almost killed. And I could be killed if I make the wrong move. To add to that, there are many people here. An amount I do not know. And most likely other killers too.

Let Me In || Ticci Toby x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now