Chapter V: Good Goddess, He's Alive!

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I woke up to an unbelievable pain, like hot molten silver is being poured all over my body and with a startled gasp I stated scratching at my abdomen where the pain was most in hopes that it will vanish, but then my breath became even more labored until I couldn't breath and so my hands moved on their on towards my aching throat as i scratched not even realizing the damage that i am causing, that i have caused, not realizing that my claws and fangs were extended, that my eyes had changed color, that Debby and Selené were trying to calm me down and make me retract my claws, that all i had to do was a simple task, just call his name.

But it seems like I didn't need to, because as one hand scratched at my throat and the other clutched my abdomen, letting the brutal claws rip at my flesh,someone ran up to me and took a firm hold of both my hands as he pulled me closer to his body, forbidding any further self harm.

And as I finally let out a pain filled scream my senses started to work, i knew who was hugging me and I distinctly knew that it was his calming voice, but the pain in my abdomen and throat prohibited me from identifying the words he was saying.

I struggled to breath still, a loud sob escaped my lips as i heard a monstrous growl of anger, and i finally discern his shout seconds before my vision vanishes as well as my consciousness.

"I thought you said it would last half an hour! ITS ONLY BEEN FIFTEEN FUCKING MINUTES!!" He growled loudly at someone and as i caught one last glimpse of his face, precisely his eyes, I didn't know if it was real or my pain was making me imagine things, but i could swear i saw fear, sadness, sorrow, rage and adoration.

_ Ians POV_

"She will be out for about half an hour, this is strong enough to dampen the heat momentarily." Our pack healer told me making me hesitantly nod at her

"Your work is appropriated." I said excusing her as she bowed and showed her neck in submission.

"I really don't know what to do anymore." I whispered softly to myself as I looked at the angel laying down on my bed wrapped up in my arms.

I breathed out and shook my head as the temptation to mark and mate with her increased.

Her words echoed in my mind as I walked to the bathroom, I needed to shower and use the bathroom.

"Nothing has changed Mathews, as soon as my heat passes, We're going back to how we were a couple of days ago, you go back to your hoe and i go back to my boyfriend."
I clenched my jaw and hit the stone wall of my walk in shower as i let the cold water wash away the shampoo from my hair.

'Go back to my boyfriend! You heard that right! It's all your fucking fault! That's our mate but the leach has her!' Lucas growled at me and I growled right back.

"I would prefer that over the consequences! I would choose loosing my heart, letting every single pack member walk over it till it's completely shattered then the alternative!" And with that i blocked him out completely as i finished my shower.

I really don't understand why girls need over an hour in the shower, i never take over fifteen minutes!

I decided that my growing beard needed a shave, and so I quickly did what needed to be done, not forgetting to keep count of how much had passed and so when i was done shaving fifteen minutes had already passed, ten for my shower and five to shave, putting clothes on won't take five minutes and I'll be next to her before she even gets near the twenty five minutes mark.

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