Chapter VII: Secrets I

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Another month passed, my second heat came about two weeks ago the medication couldn't keep it at bay any longer, the second time was stronger, and so i spent three days in Ian's room and our complications got even more complicated the comments have gotten worse, his relationship has become better with Angie_ as in I believe he's gonna mate and mark her making her luna, all my mated friends are too in-love or too busy to make time for me and I had gotten even more strict with training.

Chels and Ace are going fantastic, Lexi always comes to tell me how much off an asshole is her mate when one of the girls that Jer had humped before hits on him tho he's marked, Gabby is such an angel, when Jake marked she became a constant blushing mess for the following two weeks.

Ethan still hasn't found his mate, and since he chose to be third in command, and was actually away training, he is helping me train the warriors.

And you might be wondering why an Alphas son would be a gemma, well our current third in commands have been deprived of the blessing of breeding.

Our female gemma was pregnant, about a month along, but we got an unexpected rouge attack, she had been in the woods and was attacked by one of the rouges before her mate killed him.

She survived but her baby wasn't so lucky, the rouge had sunken his filthy claws deep into her, the doctor had to surgically remove her uterus.

Anyway from what Ethan told me he preferred to spend his days on the field protecting our pack than spend it overthinking situations and sighing papers.

"Alex!" I was brought out of my trance by Ace who had whisper shouted my name.

I raised an eyebrow ignoring the boring teacher.

"Want to leave?" a grinning that always meant something bad is on it's way graced his face.

Wth a menacingly smiling Jacob and an evilly smirking Ethan something bad is bound to happen.

But that is exactly what made me grin

"hell yeah,I'm bored out off my mind and seriously contemplating murder"

We are currently in werewolf history class which is last period, and its Friday, and did I mention that the shit our teacher is talking about is boring as fuck?

The next thing that happend was not expected

"What the hell was that for"I growled at Ace as i glared at him.
He kicked me, Ace dared to fucking kick me

"It was for being such a bitch" he sneered back

For any outsider they'd think we'll slaughtered one another soon, but i saw the glint of mischief in his eyes as he resisted a grin

"Really now? well if you weren't such a motherfucking asshole I wouldn't have been such a bitch" i growled out again as I slapped my hands against the table and stood up in a way that my chair fell backwards with a loud crash

"I dont even know why I dated you in the first place" he stood up abruptly making his chair fall as well

Jacob and Ethan were bickering next to us but I didn't get the hang of it, and off course I couldn't stop my bickering with Ace to know

By now we had everyone's attention, students looking amused yet scared and our teacher seemed to be torn between stopping the fight between four very strong and what appeared to be very angry werewolves or call the principal to do so

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