Chapter VI: A Game Of Truth Or Dare

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"Someone that sees right through the bullshit, twenty percent angel but eighty percent devil, someone thats not afraid to break a nail while fighting " he said looking me in the eye

In order for you to understand, we will have to go back to the beginning of today.

" comeon Alex its Sunday" it's been a month since my last heat, which I'm taking medication to delay as much as possible, I, including the rest are still living in the packhouse since my parents are still gone, and Chelsea decided to barge into my room at nine am on a Saturday and has been begging me to attend the party the boys are throwing by the pool for the past hour

"Chels I'm not in the mood for a party, and this is the last time I'm telling you" i said back

"it's a pool party and its at the backyard, and I'll let horny mates come into your room half naked and lock em in here with you. Or I'll bring Ian here and lock you with him instead, lets see who will kill the other first."her tone and the determined look in her eyes made me growl, i know that if she had to she'll continue talking me into it for hours and if i keep on refusing she'll go on with her threats.

"I hate you so fucking much, I'll go, now can you leave? I need to get dressed and go meet up with a friend of mine." I stood up and shooed the grinning blonde out of my room.

I took a shower before brushing my teeth and moisturizing my body, deciding that I want to let my hair towel and air dry i kept the white fluffy hair towel wrapped around my head before walking into my closet through the door in the bathroom.

After putting on my matching set of white lace thongs and bra I decided on some denim cutoffs a cute white long sleeved crop and finished the outfit with black wedges but not before adding a black choker

After putting on my matching set of white lace thongs and bra I decided on some denim cutoffs a cute white long sleeved crop and finished the outfit with black wedges but not before adding a black choker

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Chelsea had been smart enough not to waked me up without bringing breakfast or she would of been dead by now.

Taking my keys and phone in hand I slid on the railing, got scolded by Luna, told the overprotective asshole of a brother i have that I'm leaving, went to the garage and zoomed out onto the roads.

You might be wondering why I didn't tell Ace and Jake that I'm leaving as well, well Ace has been acting weirdly throughout all of this past month, he refuses and tries his best to avoid eye contact, he's always ill, he even got a really bad fever last week and refused to see anyone, but Chelsea found a way to get into his room and helped him get better and he has been extremely distant ever since the grand ball; and Jake is spending as much time with Gabriella, his brunette beauty of a mate, as possible trying to make up for the slip he made two nights ago.

And if you must know, they were out on a date and the stupid waiter thought it was okay to flirt with a mated she wolf, Jake being an alpha is naturally seventy five percent more protective and jealousy than other wolves and being from the top five packs, he went up straight to eighty five percent, and so he broke the wolves neck after beating him up.

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