Chapter III: Drama

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Walking down the hallway i heard a voice I hadn't in years making me stop in my tracks.

"Alex? No way! Alexandra Beet! How dare you not cal- holly fuck! You've fucking changed!" Chelsea has always been the load out going fun girl

" Chelsea Mathuews everyone! the load over exaggerating bitch!" i say not even turning around.

As I mentioned before, Chelsea is my best friend but what I hadn't mentioned is that she is a direct Mathuews, the Alpha daughter, the assholes sister.

"Come and give me my hug already!" She almost screamed and I met her half way.

Yes. Yes, We are that kind of friends. And Yes I called two days before coming back.

Looking at my best friend as we pulled away, she got taller as well, she's always been skinny but honestly she had zero fashion sense which seemed to have changed as she looked cute AF in her mini dress and leather jacket

Looking at my best friend as we pulled away, she got taller as well, she's always been skinny but honestly she had zero fashion sense which seemed to have changed as she looked cute AF in her mini dress and leather jacket

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"I got a question." She said as I looked at her again but she was only looking at were my dress is slashed with red blood covering the white

I smirked what she's gonna say next "shoot"

" was the mother fucker that did that to you drunk? Want me to kill him? " She asked with a smirk of her own.

"Nah, there's no need."I said with a chuckle that ended fast as my side hurt.

"Mhmm-" she gave me a suspicious face before shrugging and continued talking "someone told me that there's some kind of attention seeking slut that challenged Ian into a face off. Wanna go see who's ass is getting kicked?" She asked as she leaned against one of the lockers

I shook my head with a smile on my face "you know you shouldn't be talking about your best friend like that." I said leaning against the locker before her

"No way! That mofo did this to you? I swear I'm gonna kill him!" She said making me smile even more

"It's okay Chels, I already got my payback, your brother is currently laying unconscious in a pool of blood." I said and stood up a bit straighter as i felt myself sliding down to the floor.

"Dude! Why do I always miss the best parts?! I would've legit paid to see you beat him up." She said sounding frustrated making me shake my head at her thinking.

"You can always tease him about it, plus I'm sure someone must have recorded the hole damn thing" i say with an additional wink at the end.

"I'll go see him, maybe get some manipulative shots of his defeated form, you go shower and rest, an alpha's cut takes a while to heal." With that we ended our conversation and i gave her a quick hug before walking home.

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