Questions and Answers

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Spare Me Alpha but I Want Your Beta

Chapter 10- Questions and Answers

Alexa's POV

It was seven in the evening, and still no sign of Nate. I had to say I was a little disappointed. He had a busy life being Beta. I was sure something came up. Still, I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing. He was supposed to come, but maybe he had some things to take care of. The sun had already set. After I ate dinner, I cleaned up the room. Picking up Lia's things made me realize that we were going to separate eventually. After seven years of taking care of her, it wasn't going to be my responsibility anymore. She had Mason now. I would be alone I broke down into a silent sob, holding her sweater to my chest.

My phone started ringing, making me break from the pity-party. Walking over to the kitchen counter, I looked at my cell to see who was calling. It was Mason's.


"Hey, Lex... Whatcha doing?" Lia said.

"Oh, nothing great, just picking up after my slob of a sister," I smiled. She laughed.

"Hey!" she said. While giggling, I heard muffled sounds in the background. "Mason, stop! I'm on the phone with my sister!" she scolded him with a quick slap hearing Mason yelp in the background, a chuckle escaped my lips.

"What's going on over there?" I questioned in a firm tone, getting a rise out of them.

"Nothing Lex, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Seeing that I hadn't seen you since last night. I didn't get a chance to see you this morning either, and I miss my sister...and I wanted to let you know that the movie we're going to see tonight starts at ten, so I wanted to know if I could stay over at Mason's?" Although she whispered the last part, I caught every word with my wolf senses.

"Dahlia, I don't know about this. I know he's your mate, but sleeping over at his house on a school night?"

"No, look-it's a convenient option. The movie ends late, so we could crash at his place, and I could just go straight from his house to school. It'll work out perfect."

"I guess you have it all figured out, huh? What about clothes?" I questioned.

"Oh, Mason took me to the mall after school and got me a couple of things. Don't worry, I will call you the minute I get back so you know I am safely at his house. Please, Lex? Nate said it was okay as long as I talked to you first." I sighed, rubbing the right side of my temple. I knew this was eventually going to come.

"Fine, but you behave, Lia, and stay close to Mason. We don't know this town or the people."

"I will guard her with my life, Alexa," Mason said. "You're on speaker, Lex. I will let Nate know you said it's fine. We just left."

"Oh, I was hoping to talk to him real quick."

"He's with that red head from last night; she came looking to talk to him." The minute those words left her mouth, it felt as though someone had poured ice cold water on me. So that was the reason he never came back. Was everything he said to me some kind of pickup to get into my pants? I was so upset that I forgot I was on the phone.

"Hello... Lex, are you still there?" Lia said.

"Ah...yeah, sorry, I spaced out for a minute. You two have fun at the movies. Be safe and I love you," I said, trying to suppress my shaky tone.

"Alright. Are you sure you're okay? You sound upset. I can cancel and come home." I could hear the worry behind her tone.

"No, I'm fine, just a little tired, is all. I think I need to hit the bed. I'm getting old now-- I can't hang out like you." She laughed, and we said our goodbyes.

Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)Where stories live. Discover now