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Alexa's POV

I shook my head as I walked into our bedroom. I saw Nate on the chair watching the video Jonah and Ivy secretly recorded. I remember it like it was yesterday.


"Where is heeeee!" I yelled

"Keep breathing Lex like they thought us in lamaze class." Ivy said trying to calm me down. "Hehe whooo hehe whooo... This shit isn't workiiiing. Where the hell is Nate? Did anybody call him?" I needed him this pain was unbearable if felt like someone was cutting me deep from the inside. "He's on his way he's going to met us at the hospital." Jonah said nervously as he drove to what I hope was the hospit--. "Ahhhhh... Oh my god! Please take them out Ivy it hurts so much." I sobbed looking up at Ivy... "Ivy are you recording me?!" I yelled in disbelief while she smirked. "Nate told me to just in case he missed it... Not that he is, because he's on his way." She said while I squeezed the shit out of her hand. "Lex your so lucky we heal fast or I wouldn't be holding your hand right now!" She said through her teeth. "Ugg god hurry up Jonah!" she yelled.

"We're about ten minutes away Mary is got a team ready for you baby girl." I sighed in relief. I started to feel light headed. "Oh no you don't... You stay awake Alexa you're having these babies today! They need their mommy to stay up for this!" Ivy yelled she was right, but I was so tired. I felt the truck come to a screeching halt. "Damn it Jonah could you have stopped a little easier! I almost fell on her... Just remember I'm carrying your child!" Ivy yelled as I groaned are they really picking to argue right now. "Can someone get me out of this truck and into that hospital..." As if on cue a gurney came up to the door. I was place gently on it and rolled away.

My little angels aren't supposed to be here for another two weeks. Guess they wanted out early. "Okay Alexa were heading up to labor and delivery... How far are your contractions?" Mary questioned. "They're about five to three minutes apart." I said as I felt myself being lifted on to another bed. "Okay Alexa I'm going to check to see how many centimeters are you... Depending on how far along I will determine if we'll have time to give you an epidural." She said but all I could think about was just getting the them out and into my arms. Just as I felt her hand slip up between my legs.

"Alexa looks like we're having these pups any minute now... I'll have the nurses ready for the babies then we can start pushing." She said. I started to panic I couldn't do this without Nate.

My wolf started to relax after pacing in my head. Just then in all his glory he walked through the door in a panic and came rushing towards me. "I'm here baby... In here." He said over and over kissing all over me. "Alright let's have some babies!" Mary said walking in with her nurse entourage.

After a couple hours of pushing hearing my first baby cry was the best sound in the world. "It's a girl!" Mary yelled. "One more baby and our family is complete... I love you baby" Nate said as he gave me the energy I needed to push. "It's a boy! Congratulations Greene Family you have a healthy baby girl and boy!" Mary said as the nurse handed our babies to Nate I watched as he held them in his arms. A man holding his children for the first time and the look in his eyes is true love at first sight. He walked over to me with them as he handed me my babies. "They're perfect Alexa... Just you." He said as he choked on his words. "Welcome to the world Cassandra and Caleb." I said as I kissed my beautiful babies on their full head of fuzzy dark hair. My family was complete.


"Nate why are you watching the birthing video again?" I questioned as I put the laundry away. He got up and came up behind me and kissed my mark. Makes me shivered every time. "Because I just can't believe they turn sixteen this weekend... Next thing you know they'll be going off to college and we'll have no one in the house to drive us crazy." He said as I turned in his arms I smiled at him. "Oh baby... Their turning sixteen not twenty five. You get like this every time they have a birthday, and what do I tell you?" I asked him as he held me tight. "Enjoy the time we have now." He said with a sigh I kissed his nose. "Didn't you promise Caleb that you would take him test driving today?" I questioned as he groaned.

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