12. lost in memories

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"No, it's Joe."

He didn't understand, why would she think Harry would be here. That didn't make any sense. "Oh. Where is Harry? Is he taking Elodie out?"

Joe's face was puzzled. "I don't know where he is." Taylor's face formed an O shape. "Well then."

She looked around, trying to figure out where she was. "Why am I in the hospital?"

She tried to sit up, immediately laying back down when she realized she shouldn't sit up, it was hurting her too much. "Did something happen?"

Joe nodded, "We got in a car crash." "Oh god, who else was there?" "Just you, me and Elodie." "Is Elodie okay?" She seemed to panic, she was scared. Suddenly she didn't care about anything except Elodie's safety.

"She's fine. You were the only one that got hurt. God. We were so scared." Taylor relaxed, knowing that Elodie and Joe were okay gave her some peace.

"Where is El?" "She's at school." "She just.. after-"

"It's been a month. You have been in some sort of coma for a month." She nodded, "Oh."

"I'll get her to come here, if you want." I nodded, "I'd like that. Harry too, if you can."

He nodded, "Sure." He didn't know why she wanted Harry here. It didn't make sense for her to want him here but whatever she wanted he would do.

• * • * •

An hour later Joe got back to the hospital with Elodie with him. They went straight to Taylor's room, she was doing some sort of crossword puzzle.

She looked up as they entered the room, "El." She smiled as Elodie walked to her, giving her a soft hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." Taylor nodded, "I'm great. I'm glad you're here." Elodie smiled, "I was worried, I couldn't lose you. Not you too."

Taylor nodded, "I know sweetheart but I'm okay, I'm not leaving you. Did you have a chance to talk to Logan about everything?"

She shook her head, "I didn't want to talk to him, he tried but I said no. I don't feel the need to converse with him again." I nodded, "I'm proud of you, only do what feels right for you."

Just then Harry came in, a sweet smile appeared on Taylor's face. "Hi." Harry smiled and walked to her. "Hey Tay, I'm glad you're alright." She nodded, "Glad you're here."

"Joe can you fetch me something to drink?"

Joe nodded, "Sure love, I'll be back." "Can I come?" Joe nodded before leaving the room with Elodie, leaving Taylor and Harry alone.

"I'm glad you're okay Tay." She nodded with a slight smile on her lips, "Can't wait to go home again. Did you not forget to feed the cats?"

Harry's expression changed a bit, he seemed confused. "I'm sure Joe took a good job at that." "Joe? Why are the cats with Joe?"

"Babe why aren't the cats at our house?" Harry started to catch on now, he started to realize what she was thinking. "Oh."

He looked puzzled, "You know I want some water too, I'll be back soon okay love?" Taylor nodded, "Yeah, alright. Love you." He blew her a kiss before leaving the room to try and find Joe.

Once he was out of the room he rushed to the cafeteria, walking straight to Joe. "El can you go check up on your mom? She shouldn't be alone."

Elodie nodded, "Yeah sure." She walked off, leaving Harry and Joe alone. "Why are you here?"

"We need to talk." "Okay, talk."

Harry stood there for a second, "Taylor isn't well. Not as well as we think." "And where did you get that information?"

"Well seeing that she wanted me here says a lot, doesn't it?" He nodded, "Yeah well maybe she wanted a friend here."

"Wouldn't she ask for Selena or Gigi then, Martha? Abigail? Why me? We aren't that close." He shrugged, "Maybe she thought that you would bring comfort to Elodie?"

"You think that's why I'm here? Look Joe, when you left she asked me if I fed the cats. She didn't get me when I said that I was sure you took good care of them." "Well, maybe she just thought I was out of town for a big part or something so you were cat sitting." Harry chuckled.

"She called me babe. Is that not enough proof that she doesn't know what's up?" "Oh."

Joe turned away, grabbing his coffee and the water for Taylor. "She knew Elodie was grown, she probably was just messing with you."

Joe walked off, not wanting to hear another word about it. His wife forgetting she is with him? Ridiculous. That's just ridiculous.

He walked back in, "Hey baby, got you a water." He handed it to her, trying to ignore the fact her expression changed when he called her baby.

"Thank you, Joe." She smiled as she took it from him, taking a sip. "Did the doctor tell you when you can go home yet?"

Taylor shrugged, "They told me to talk about it with the people who I live with, you know to see if they will be around to help if needed enough. So I'm just waiting till Harry gets back so we can discuss that."

"Harry?" Taylor nodded, a soft smile on her lips. "Yes, ofc. My husband. Who else?"

"Oh..right. Excuse me for a second, please?" Taylor nods, "Of course."

Joe walks out, rushing around to try and find Harry. As soon as he spots him he walks over to him. "Harry, you were right. She thinks you two are married." He nods, "Yes, that's what I told you."

Joe nods, "Take her in if needed, I'm not sure if she could handle hearing the truth now. "I can't do that."

"Well why not? It's not that big of a deal. It will just be for a little bit until she remembers or until it's okay to tell her the truth."

Harry shook his head, "I can't. I really can't."

"Well, why not?" "I'm seeing someone else."

Sober love -Haylor auWhere stories live. Discover now