Past 2

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After taehyung walk out of there he didn't realize that jungwon followed behind him as he is in his own world having so many thoughts.

His tears is still falling continuesly as he walked where his feet takes him to but he stop when someone called him.

"Taehyung!"the older turn back to see jungwon there catching his breath and run towards him.

"J-jungwon leave me alone..."the older said

"N-No!i won't!please taehyung forgive me...i still want you."jungwon said hugging taehyung.

"Jungwon were no longer together... after what you have done to me you still want me back?don't you cared about what i feel.Im so hurt about the fact that you cheated on me even though i always love you..."taehyung said wiping off his tears.

"T-Taehyung so sorry, please forgive me."jungwon pleaded holding taehyung's cheek and jungwon kissed him.

Taehyung quickly pulled away and push off jungwon feeling a presence behind them.

He didn't expect that jungwon would kiss him that's why he can't comprehend that fast to understand the others motive.

"Stay away from me jungwon and don't expect me to crawl back to you after what you have done.Im no longer interested to you so stay away from my life."taehyung said before he run to the cafe only to see no one there

He started to overthink where the younger is

And it clicks him

The figure behind them could be the younger

Maybe the younger have seen them kissing

Obviously taehyung is devastated

He can't think of anything but to worry about the younger

So he decided to take the next step

He will confess today

He will make the younger his boyfriend today and explain everything to him.

So he decided to go to the younger's house

Technically he have gone there before when the two of them hangout

Just cuddling and watching movies while lying on the younger's bed

Oh taehyung couldn't be more glad to make it happen again

But now not as a friend but lovers

He wanna clear things with jungkook like what he want to be

He didn't realize that he already arrived in the younger's home as he take a few breaths and decided to knock.

Silence is the thing that he first heard inside making him questioned himself on the younger's whereabout.

He knocked again until he heard the door unlocking only to meet the younger with swollen red eyes from crying too much.

The older obviously didn't waste any time and engulfed the younger for a hug.

On the other hand the younger is devastated in the fact that the older is here and currently hugging him.

He couldn't think of anything right now because just a few minutes ago he is crying because of the older.

He hug back the older slowly feeling himself tearing up again

It's complicated he thought

"T-Taehyung-hyung what are you doing here?"the younger asked pulling away from the hug.

The older couldn't be more worried seeing jungkook crying infront of him as he doesn't know what happen to the younger to make him cry like this.

"J-Jungkook are you ok? what happen to you?"

"I-I...N-Nothing"the younger said looking down

The older could only hug the younger again to atleast made him feel good as he figured out that the younger is clearly hiding something from him.

"Shh don't here now"the older assured the younger rubbing the younger's back softly.

The younger could only cry more

Feeling himself hugging back the older tightly but he gather himself as he look into the older's eye.

"Y-You should go back hyung,y-your boyfriend must be looking for you..."the younger said smiling bitterly.

The older understand that the younger misunderstood his relationship with jungwon.He realized that he didn't explain the things that happen few hours ago.

So he holds the younger's hand and lead him inside the younger's apartment

"P-Please let me explain first kook,you clearly misunderstood everything..."the older said kissing the younger's hand softly making jungkook's cheek red.


"Please..."the older pleaded

The younger couldn't take the way taehyung stares at him that's why he look down

"O-Okay..."the younger said and taehyung flick his chin softly to make him look up at him as the younger did so.

The younger blushed at the action but maintain himself and let the older talk.

"I-Its complicated but me and jungwon have been friends in highschool were we are really close and day by day i didn't realize that i already like jungwon not as friend but as a man.But it takes me a lot of time to have courage to confess because i don't want our friendship to get destroyed because of my feelings for him,but i decided to confess to him in college as he accepted my confession because he likes me back too and i couldn't be more happy about this.

At first our relationship is perfect were we just enjoy things and do whatever we want but when we graduated and started to have our own job jungwon changed.At first i thought that jungwon is just stresses that's why he always go and hangout with his friends in the club but one day he go home with a hickey in his neck.That's where i realized that jungwon have been cheating with me as it continue with jungwon going out and going home either drunk or having a hickey in his neck.

But i love jungwon that's why i chose to ignore everything that is happening hoping that maybe jungwon could change but he didn't.I decided to leave a letter on jungwon breaking up with him leaving daegu and have a new life here in busan.

That's where i met you jungkook,at first i actually thought your jungwon because you look like him but when i started to know you more i realized that your different from him.

Jungwon didn't have that bunny smile of yours and the way you cutely scrunch your nose when your fascinated about something.

Until it started to hit me and realized that i might be inlove again.Even though im afraid of getting hurt again i wanna try to love again.

Even though jungwon is asking me back i won't just crawl back to him now that i have new inspiration in my life and that is you.I love you jungkook so please give me a chance to prove my love for you...."

The younger feels his heart beat getting faster and his cheek getting so red looking like a tomato not until he burst out crying again.

The older on the other hand got shocked on the younger's outburst so he hug the younger tightly as the younger continue crying.

"I-Idiot i like you too you know!"the younger said before kissing the older and the older couldn't be more happy kissing back feeling the younger's lips on him.

As the younger place his arms on the older's neck for support and the older  holds his small waist tightly.

It only took them a minute before they pull away from their kissing session being the younger's first kiss.

They are both looking so red just remembering the thing that they have done.

Obviously taehyung is the first to broke the silence and hug the younger again whispering something making the younger blush.

"Thank you for accepting me jungkook,saranghae."


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