Chapter 7

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The first time I woke up I looked out a window, only to be met with pitch black darkness. I looked around through squinted eyes and realized that I was in someone else's housing unit, on someone else's couch. It must have still been night time.

I had no idea where I was and my head was pounding from the drinks that I downed.

I tried to keep my eyes open, but I drifted off into a deep sleep again.

The next time I woke up I was surrounded by government officials in their white uniforms. They were screaming at me to get up.

I checked the window and I could see that it was still dark outside. I could see the faces of 4 non-officials I did not recognize staring at me with concerned expressions. They likely reported me to the officials. I'm guessing they were Isaac's housemates.

The officials took me out of the housing unit and put me into a car alongside Isaac. He probably got in trouble for taking me to his home.

He had to have known it was against the rules, what was he thinking?

The officials took me and drove towards The Center in complete silence. When I tried to speak they told me I had to remain silent until we made it to the questioning room.

I had no idea what they were going to do to us, but I imagined all of the brutal methods of torture that we learned about in our history books.

When we got into The Center they led me and Isaac into two separate rooms.

The room I was led to was brightly lit, with a table in The Center, and two chairs facing each other.

The officials sat me down in one of the chairs and told me to wait there.

Later on a woman came into the room and began to question me about where I was last night and what went on.

I honestly didn't remember much. I was in the bar, and then Isaac's car and then I woke up on his couch. God, I really hope we didn't hook up or anything.

"I was at a bar and then I got into someone's car," I spoke. "When I woke up in the morning, I was in someone else's house. Then the officials came and now I'm here."

"Are you aware that you missed your work day and that you crossed into someone else's housing unit which is strictly prohibited?" She told me, completely uninterested in the story I had to tell.

"Wait, what? No. I have work tomorrow. I had only been there for the night-" I tried to say but was cut off.

"No. You were missing for at least 24 hours. Your housing mates said you did not go home with them at all last night. It's now the night after," she said, still seemingly disinterested in the fact that I was totally confused.

I sat in disbelief for a second. I couldn't believe I missed work and passed out on someone's couch for a whole day. This was really bad.

"Regardless of whether or not you were aware of what you did, you still must be punished accordingly. We can't let people disobey the law and get away with it. Our rules are very simple and easy to follow. Give us 5 minutes to get your room set up and then I'll have an officer come down to move you," she said, getting up.

She left me in the room alone to think.

She didn't bother to listen to anything I said. Why would she even question me if she already had her story?

I figured that I probably hadn't slept with him considering how I was barely even able to keep myself upright right now. I was likely out cold the second I got to his housing unit.

At that thought, I remembered watching Emelia walk into that bathroom with that girl.

That pain in my chest came back as I thought about what probably happened after I left.

I also started to get nervous about what the officer was planning for me. I had no idea what was about to happen to me, but I couldn't imagine that it would be good.

When another officer came to get me, he ordered me to get up and led me into a room. The room had a single metal chair in the center and had many speakers around the room. It seemed to be some kind of music room. What were they going to do, make me listen to nursery rhymes until I went insane?

I wanted to giggle at my own thought, but was too nervous to make a sound.

I was instructed to sit down in the chair and then the male officer came over to strap me in.

From the sitting position I could see that one of the walls of the room was made of glass. Behind it was a control center looking room, similar to the ones you would see in a musician's recording studio.

The official who questioned me was already setting up behind the glass. I could see her turning dials and then she placed a headset on her head.

I watched her hit a button and then a horribly loud song began blaring through the speakers.

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