izuku midoriya

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Midoriya walked slowly. He didn't know what he was going to do. He hadn't planned for anything less of being a hero.

But clearly that wasn't going to work out.

So he had to think of something new.

My analyzing skills are okay. I should probably get rid of the journals anyway. I don't want them getting into the wrong hands.

He walked passed his house and put his hands in his pockets. His slight limp was getting better as he walked but the overall pain still shot through his leg everytime he took a stride.

I want to make sure no one can see me anymore. I don't want to be such a burden.

I don't want to show my hideous face. People could recognize me.

Midoriya was always told he was an ugly child. Granted anytime before the age of  four, he was told how beautiful his eyes and smile were. But once the name-calling started, he was an ugly useless Deku.

Therefore Midoriya believed the last decade of words people threw at him. He was ugly in his own eyes as well as everyone else's. So he needed to hide.

He moved his hands around in his pockets, looking for change. He found  five-hundred and fifty yen plus some change in one of his pants pockets (550¥ translates to roughly $5/4.25€). Probably leftover lunch money from a few days ago.

He walked a few more steps before reaching the store he was about to raid for a mask.

Legally raid, of course.

He was going to pay.

Specifically pay them less than five-hundred and fifty yen plus some change but he's gonna get to that later on.

He took his time walking around the store. He needed to go to the back corner where the masks would be. This corner store didn't get many customers but they sold practically everything.

Craft masks fit the "practically everything" category.


Many people would make sure to distance themselves from Midoriya. Word moves fast in a small town. The span of ten years was more than enough time for everyone to hear of a frail, quirkless boy in the small city of Musutafu.

What can he say? People were loud.

The quirkless teen was looked at like he was a monster behind bars of a zoo. No one wanted to be near him, no one cared for him.

Because, to them and everyone else in the world apparently, Midoriya didn't matter.

He walked through an isle, looking left and right before turning down the next. A few minutes of searching later, he found a plain black face mask. It would cover his whole face and even had Voice-Padding. Which was basically a new form of material that, if put up to his face, will change the sound waves that leave the mask. Thus causing his voice to sound slightly deeper and softer.

If he remembered correctly, the padding was discovered on accident when Present Mic was attempting to put his speaker functions into more of a mask. One screw up lead to another and he created a voice changer.

Which, by the way, was not the intention.

After that, Present Mic decided screw it, eventually giving in and let pro-hero Power Loader tweak his speakers.

Thus the padding was made.

And thank goodness, because Midoriya was very greatful at the moment.

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