Video one: Pro-Hero Air Jet

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Tsukauchi had a new case.

There was a YouTube channel that had become increasingly popular. It was influencing mass amounts of people all over Japan. That isn't the bad part.

The channel focused on someone asking pro-heros, as well as officers and some civilians if certain people could be heros.

Each video had a specific question asked at the beginning.

"Can someone without a quirk become a hero?"

And after that question was asked, the owner of the channel would do a voiceover and talk a little bit about the video's theme of the day.

Sometimes they had just a voiceover, making the video like a podcast. And other times they had a video collage of various pictures as a background.

This was also not the problem.

The problem was that the videos were getting more....extreme.

People were worried about the grudge hero society seemed to have over the quirkless population. In every intro so far, the answer was a no. Different variants of no but a no none the less.

People were worried about the mental health of the owner of the site.

The owner seemed to be progressively getting more frantic in the videos. Videos used to have a couple weeks between being posted but it went from every week to every few days and finally every single day.

And the tone in the videos got progressively more downcast.

Tsukauchi didn't know how to feel. He also didn't know how to start. So he set the list of videos from oldest to newest in order to take note of the progression.

. . . . . . . . . .

The first video popped up. It was a blank screen. Before a bold font came to the front. Tsukauchi guessed this is the first person the boy asked.

Pro-hero: Air Jet.

"H-hey! Excuse me! Mr. Air Jet, sir!" Yelled the voice. The voice seemed to have managed to be alone with the hero.

"Yes?" Asked the hero with an annoyed attitude.

"Um...I was--I was just wondering if you think a quirkless person could be a hero?"

"No. I don't believe that anyone without a sufficient power could be a hero. Heros need to be looked up to. Firm. I doubt a quirkless could fight a villan and manage not to topple over in fear." He replied, voice thick with an accent Tsukauchi couldn't place. There was a bit of hatred in the hero's words though. Like the thought of quirkless people was disgusting.


There was silence in the video. A painful silence. Tsukauchi heard rustles on the video's end.

"Do you think that a mental quirked person can be a hero?" The voice was softer. Tsukauchi could almost picture the person looking down at their feet.

There was another pause. "Depends on if they are firm or not. Or if they have what it takes to be looked up to. People with quirks that make others feared should not be heros."

"Oh--thank you then, sir!" The voice did not seem as genuine as before. It was merely a sad thanks to Air Jet before the owner took off.

Tsukauchi could hear the audio cut again before a clear voiceover could be heard.

"Well I know this one was short, but I'll try to get more out there as soon as possible. Air Jet was a fairly nice person to talk to, but I don't know about his way of thinking. While having a strong quirk would be beneficial to hero work, having a mental one would be great too! I mean, a lot of times mental quirks can lessen--if not half--the damage from fighting villans. Mental quirks are also really cool! I love them so much! I knew someone with a mental quirk and they were so fun to be around! He was so amazing! Anyways... I guess I just wanna say that anyone can be a hero. No matter what. If you have any more questions for me to ask, feel free to comment them! Bye!"

The voice almost sounded happy to inspire others. It was heartwarming to hear. Tsukauchi was proud of the message the voice sent, it was good for people to hear that anyone can be anything they want.

He just wished that heros would be more open to that fact.

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