A Proper Send-Off (warning)

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When Toshinori made it back to the interrogating rooms, he noticed a multitude of people milling about. A little over half the rooms were being utilized as well.

He felt uneasy in the midst of all this chaos. Yet he was somewhat relieved.

They found the Quirkless Killer.

However it was too late. And the killer had murdered Izuku Midoriya's mother as well as countless other civilians.

Inko Midoriya was dead, and the mental picture of her body splayed on the floor, tears and blood enveloping her figure on the floor, bullet through her head made Toshinori want to throw up.

He walked towards the double side glass. He couldn't hear the conversation inside since he wasn't necessarily on the case. Though being a hero did have it's perks. He was allowed to supervise the interrogation and intervene if anything got out of control.

That didn't seem to be a problem.

The Quirkless killer seemed unremorseful as he recounted the events of tonight. He spilled his plans and his ideaology.

On most days, Toshinori was glad he could kind of read lips. But it was futile if he couldn't see their full face.

Toshinori kept his eyes on the interrogation, only looking away when he heard hushed whispers from down the hall.

Something is happening.

Something still doesn't feel right.

We missed something.

He stood in his skinny form, twiddling his thumbs as he shifted is weight between his feet. Toshinori was nervous.

The clock ticking steadily behind him didn't help.

Suddenly the detective stood up, seemingly shaken and practically ran from the room while making a pitiful attempt to seem calm and collected in front of the murderer.

Once he left the room, and closed the door, he ran over to the head of the Interrogation Comittee. The Head had said any important information on the case be directly turned relayed to him. "They're all Quirkless Killers. It was a cult--they united to kill all the quirkless people in the area. Their ideology--it was just to eliminate who they deemed worthless...the quirkless." He spoke in a hushed whisper, though it was all too loud in the silent hallway.

Toshinori froze.

That makes sense. He hadn't realized it before but it fits together.

That's how they were able to implant all four explosives and took out all the quirkless hospitals. It also accounts for how fast the killer seemed to move. They must have organized the killings to make it seem physically possible to travel across cities and kill more people in a short time frame. This killing spree was extremely thought out.

Toshinori felt sick.

As someone who used to be quirkless, this hit very close to home.

"Call the Comission. They are our best bet at finding the rest. Then call the Main Detectives in charge of the case. They need to be informed. Thank you, you're dismissed."

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