Counting Down (warning)

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"--rding to local officials. Seconds after the crime took place, the Quirkless Killer called the station on a disposable phone to admit to bombing the Quirkless Nursing homes. The police are currently reviewing any and every camera footage in the immediate area to try and locate the Quirkless Killer. He is now deemed a terrorist in Japan, and multiple heros have been called in to search the area as well as looking through the debris. So far there have been no survivors. If you or anyone you know were in these nursing homes, either as a resident, worker, or visitor, the police ask you to please contact them. They are looking for a baseline of how may missing persons there are. We will keep you updated as more news rolls in."

The newscator's voice was somber as he relayed the news.

Tsukauchi gulped. This was bad.

This was horrible.

Those four Nursing homes included the rest of Japan's quirkless elderly. The elderly were already fragile as old age settled in, but their quirklessness also aided in extra immune disorders.

People who are quirkless have bad immune systems as is, and can get sick extremely easy in most cases.

And it worsens with age.

These specific homes had nurse staff and 24/7 medical aid for the ones that needed it. Doctors were also staffed inside the facility.

The fact that all four were bombed and in shambles led Tsukauchi to know for a fact that the Quirkless Killer had planned all his murders for a long time.

Tsukauchi gasped, the kids!

"Yori! Go search how many quirkless kids are currently alive in Japan! Then get in contact with them and have someone keep tabs on them. Whatever happens don't let them hang up. Then contact the station located nearest to them--they'll need protection. If I'm correct, the nursing homes were first and is going to be used as a partial distraction as the killer finishes off the rest. Go, Go! GO!" Tsucauchi screamed.

Yori bolted out of the room, the weight of all the events crashing into his shoulder.

Quickly, Tsukauchi turned to Toshinori.

"Pick out which of these three was the kid you saw that day." He demanded before turning to the television to lower the volume.

Noticing Toshinori didn't move, Tsukauchi yelled at the oaf to hurry.

More people will die if Toshinori doesn't hurry the hell up.

The hero snapped out of his daze before turning to the computer. He clicked on all three files and a pop-up of each kid was displayed. He scanned them hurriedly before stopping at one with freckles in the form of a diamond.

"This one, he's the one I saw." Toshinori quickly stated, pointing to the picture on the far right.

Tsukauchi nodded before clicking on the more in depth file under the boy's picture. All his data popped up.

Izuku Midoriya

The bolded letters popped out from the screen along with the name Inko Midoriya. Their address was listed below as well as the house phone number.

"Toshinori, plug this into your phone and use a GPS to get there as fast as possible. Go check on them and make sure they are okay. Remain with them no matter what until more backup has arrived. Though, if," Tsukachi glanced at the screen, "Izuku doesn't want to see you after what you...said...then you need to stress the situation. In the meantime I'll try to contact the house number to make sure they are safe in the meantime. No go."

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