The Voiceover

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The next video that Tsukauchi saw uploaded seemed to be a Q&A between the voice and some comments.

The comment would appear on the screen and then the voice would address it to their fullest extent.

ReadingSoldier87: hey I was just wondering if someone with a small quirk (like a speed comprehension quirk) be of importance in the hero field? I've always wanted to help heros but I don't know how

"Well ReadingSoldier87, I definitely think you can help heros! That quirk is one hundred percent not small or silly--actually I'd debate that it's extremely versatile and can give the upper hand in many situations. As for how you can help...hmmm...." There was a brief pause. "Oh! I got it! You can be like a detective for villian documentations. If you comprehend things very fast, your input would be very beneficial to looking into the mindset of a villain who has committed a crime and help the heros come to a conclusion to bring in the villain! I have to say I love all the intricate ways you can use this--I mean, it's so versatile and amazing! You could save so many people!"

HoneyJail66: what makes a *villainous* quirk that u refer to in ur vidz?? Like that sounds so bad and u should be ashamed of asking these q

"Uhm...well I don't know what you're saying but I definitely don't mean to offend you! I don't believe any quirk is 'villainous' since villains aren't born, they're molded by society! I thought I explained that no quirk was villainous, but I guess I didn't emphasize that good as I thought I did. I'm so sorry about that, I'll do better, promise. Some people see other quirks as villainous, so when I talk to heros I use terminology that points out how said quirks are seen by society--though society is awful and biased. Villainous quirks are not real! Useless quirks are not real! Every quirk can save someone and every quirk can be used for a good and useful purpose, it just has to be applied the right way! Like a bandaid. If you apply it on a bleeding would wrong, it won't stay. But if you put it on right, then the bandaid stays and keeps your wound safer from contaminates in the air."

That's a pretty good analogy, actually. Tsukauchi was thoroughly impressed. He is so using this in the future.

Breedingthebeans: How can quiirkless people pozsibly be heros??? I mean they ahve no special abilities and it would be so [redacted] easy to take them down. The [redacted]??

"Oh goodness, that was a lot of cussing." There was an awkward laughter and a pause. "Quirkless people could definitely become heros! They'll have to train longer and adapt to multiple fighting styles and quirks, but that's the easier part! There are multiple heros who don't rely on their quirks to the point they are practically quirkless in fights! I challenge you all to find them and comment them below this video! I love reading all your comments."

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